Anonymous ID: c14a22 March 23, 2022, 4:46 a.m. No.15924758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4788

Yeshua: Where is God in All of This?


Beloved and holy and only Child of our heavenly Father, Child of the one Source, Child of Light, divine. That is who you are. Take it deeply within the consciousness and contemplate what that means. Child of Light, eternal, from before the beginning, and always forever ongoing. For as you have human expression, there is an understanding that you are born, that you do something in the middle, and then you allow the body to be discarded.


But in truth, you are the eternal Light of the heavenly Father and of the Mother. When I spoke to you some two thousand years ago I used the father terminology, because the father at that point was the person who headed up the whole household, all of the business affairs, and was in charge of the golden coins to take care of ones. But in truth, the Father that I speak of is Father/Mother/All That Is, from which you are an extension.


“Wow, Jeshua, you mean I am an extension of All That Is?” I do, and you can take that with you wherever you go. That is the truth of your being. You are more than the mere mortal that you see yourself to be. There are times in your quiet times, in your prayer times when you are speaking with me when you feel an extension, an enlargement of yourself, and you tune in to that capital “S” Self.


For truly, you are everything you can think of and more. Wow! How is that for an introductory statement? But that is you. That is Who and What you are going forward, being able to encompass All That Is. In your meditative times, open the understanding of self and feel yourself to be Light, unencumbered, undetermined, all Light.


Now, beloved ones, you have asked me to shed some light upon human affairs, the affairs in your world that are a bit disturbing, as I see you watching your square box and wondering, “How can this be happening in this day and time?” I have seen my beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith, in tears, feeling very sad that the dramatic effects in this day and time are so barbaric, as she has called them.


In truth, you are working through some of the last remnants of what you have said/decreed that human life could be. You are asking, wanting to know, “But have we not graduated from there? Have we not as a consciousness moved on to the place where we can allow life to be all that it can be in a helpful and healthful place?”


The truth of your Being is that, yes, many of you have tuned in to the Allness that you are. Many of you have tuned in with the wishful thinking and said that it would be great if we could live in love and appreciate our fellow man/woman/child, even the four-legged ones; to be able to recognize, “There I go, even as the four-legged, even as the non-legged ones, life in all of its forms.” Yes, you have been there, done that, so there is an affinity of understanding. And then one comes along and says, “Well, hey, we will play this game a little bit differently. We will play it without seeing where we are going.”

Anonymous ID: c14a22 March 23, 2022, 4:52 a.m. No.15924770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Be Grateful | The Creator via Jennifer Farley


It is time to release the thought of past negative experiences as wasted time. Each one of those experiences showed and taught you many, many things; what you really want, what you do not want, how you choose to be treated, what your expectations are and how fast you choose to grow. Becoming ensnared in the past will keep you there. Being grateful releases the energy so you may continue your Earth plane existence in more peace, love and happiness. ~ Creator

Anonymous ID: c14a22 March 23, 2022, 5:06 a.m. No.15924804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4814

Unchangeable Perfection | Jesus via John Smallman


As your collective awakening process approaches completion an enormous amount of ‘stuff’ is bursting into the collective consciousness for acknowledgment, thanks, forgiveness, and release. It holds within it many generations worth of resentment, denial, and anger that has been deeply buried because it was too intensely painful to acknowledge either as it was happening or at any time afterwards, up until now. Now the whole human collective is allowing it into awareness, and with it comes much guilt and shame for past long forgotten words and actions.


It has to be dealt with NOW! Until it is complete your awakening remains on hold. There is only a very little bit more of the awakening process that needs to occur before it comes to its most amazing and magnificent completion. However, all the ‘stuff,’ which is not and cannot be in alignment with Love, has first to be one hundred percent released. A major part of the release is through forgiveness of everything that has collectively been buried and denied–namely not only the words and actions themselves, but also, of extreme importance, the collective shame and guilt arising from those words or actions, which have also been deeply buried and denied.


Guilt and shame are always completely out of alignment with Love, because they refer to something that is totally unreal in so far as nothing that is not of Love exists. But humanity, through generations of conditioning, has an intense belief in the validity of shame and guilt. This HAS to be released, along with all the judgment that has arisen from it.


Mother/Father/God loves you all infinitely because you are Her absolutely perfect children, just as you were created, and there is no way that you have ever departed from that state of perfection. Nonetheless, large numbers of you still do not believe in your own unchangeable perfection, and are at present unable to fully accept and love yourselves, having accepted an invalid and UNreal belief in your shame and guilt. Total and complete self-forgiveness and self-acceptance are essential, and if you will go deep within yourselves, open your hearts and invite Love to enter, It will, and in doing so It will show you clearly, without room for doubt of any kind, your perfect and utter ‘sinlessness!’ You will see and know yourselves as the perfect divine beings that you are, and always have been. What God creates is always and can only be PERFECT! Finally you will know Yourselves, and – inconceivable in your present self-chosen state of unreality – experience the most wonderful sense of Joy! Finally you will recognize yourselves as you truly are, free of every tiny aspect of shadow that has hidden Reality from you ever since you chose to enter the illusion.


The illusion/dream that you are experiencing is unreal and, intellectually, many of you know and accept this. Nevertheless, because your conscious awareness is mostly brain/emotion/body focused, you are generally unconscious – unconscious of your true nature at One with Source – and live guided by your egos far more frequently than by your intuition. This brings the unreality of the dream/illusion into sharp focus making your human lives seem very real. Some of you, some humans, occasionally spend time daily in prayer or contemplation, when you can spare the time from dealing with the daily events with which life is almost constantly presenting you. However, the ‘stuff’ now arising is very powerfully demanding your attention, and it is not something that your egos wish to attend to. This creates conflict within you, and your egos will do their best to distract you, causing you further fear, worries, and anxiety.


Anonymous ID: c14a22 March 23, 2022, 5:09 a.m. No.15924814   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So now, more than ever before in your lives, you do need tospare the timeto go deep within, disregarding any feelings of shame or unworthiness that may arise, while having the patience to wait as your overly active minds quieten enough for you to be still and be at peace, or at least feel relatively calm, thus allowing Love to enter your hearts. Because you each have totally free wills unless you invite and allow Love to enter It cannot do so. When you do make a very positive commitment to invite Love in, It will powerfully assist you to recognize that you are and always have been perfect divine beings, freeing you from your invalid and misguided beliefs and thereby enthusiastically encouraging you to release your remaining attachments to shame, guilt, and unworthiness. Total self-acceptance will become established, as you forgive yourselves for all the errorsand unloving words or actions you have delivered during your human lives while believing that they really occurred. As you actually feel Love embracing you whole-heartedly and unconditionally – which is the One and only way in which It always expresses Itself, reveals Its Presence – It will most beautifully confirm for you that you truly are perfect divine beings.


Therefore, I would substantiate for you once more that you are all, without any exceptions, perfect divine beings having a momentary experience of separation in which there seems to be extreme pain and suffering for vast numbers of you. That state is Unreal, and you will awaken, because to do so is your destiny, returning you to your divine and sovereign state at One with Source in utter joy.


Your loving brother, Jesus.

Anonymous ID: c14a22 March 23, 2022, 5:33 a.m. No.15924891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4908

The Law of One makes the most sense on how things really work.


Having hundreds of lives learning lessons.

Growing spiritually and being tested.

Consciousness having different levels / frequencies that you resonate with.

That you are a eternal being made of Gods light, a child of Light having a human incarnation to learn your lessons.


Having a sound contract prior to incarnation agreeing to your life prior to living it.

Agreeing to experience all the struggles, challenges.

The Law of One

Anonymous ID: c14a22 March 23, 2022, 5:45 a.m. No.15924972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4984 >>4987


The Law of One speaks of this 26,000 year event.

Every 26,000 years is a solar cycle and we are the closest to the central galactic sun.

That time is now. We receive photon and gamma light waves, high frequency energy that activates our DNA.

Those vibrating with a high enough frequency will receive download activations.