this EXACT post was on /pol/ about 4 hours ago. Nice try fagget.
>Tried to find it
Guns were mostly made illegal in 1925
Rifles arnt banned as such, any hand loaded rifle/shotgun can be kept with proper licenses,ect.
Handguns were banned in 1996 after some guy shot up 16 children and the teacher then himself. Ban brought in without vote ect, To get people to co-operate they said that for every gun handed in you would get a large lump sum of money, which was never given (around 100m still owed)
Tricked out of brainwashed hands because they thought they were safe and didnt want to get caught with a gun.
The church never stopped being in power. Find out where your taxes go, can be done by tracing the bank numbers on a giroslip or whatever their called in US.