It is possible she will be confirmed.
And the fake news will just bury all of the evidence against her.
And just like the stolen election it will become a terrible red pill for the sheeple to have to swallow later.
Once the veil is lifted on the majority of the people of the USA, this will just be another nail in [their] coffins.
The fake news knew about her history.
They lied to the people to get her put on the bench.
They will get exposed as KNOWINGLY covering it up.
Just like the stolen 2020 election.
Just like the Hunter laptop story.
Just like the fake January 6th event.
Just like Afghanistan.
Just like Ukraine.
The list goes on and on.
It's frustrating that it has to be this way and it has to take so long for the people to wake up.
But this deception has been going on for longer than any of us have been alive.
We were all born into the illusion, so I understand why it's not easy to give it up.
But the collapse has already begun.
Hold the line.