The ''definition'' of what is and what isn't CP needs to be updated. Sadly teenagers involved in sexting are getting caught up in CP laws for taking pictures of themselves. I personally know a family that just went through this, when their (17yo at the time) son was reported by his girl friend's mother for sending a nude to her. He was charged for creating, possessing, and distributing CP and received a 22 year prison sentence as a result. TOTALLY WRONG IMO! This absolutely devastated this family, and has ripped them apart, destroying this young man's life, all for the DA's personal gain. Corrupt DAs are abusing the outdated laws and not using discernment to note the difference between this type of case, and a sick fuck making videos of neighbor kids in his basement.
The CP laws were written in the 70s and need to be updated to include this new technology, and DAs should not be charging kids for taking pics of themselves. That is not what the law was intended for, and is nothing more than abuse on the part of these scumbag politicians to use as an "elect me again" talking point. Sadly no politician will touch this, since they would be lambasted by the media and anyone running against them. The media also does not report these "sexting" stories, or they gloss over it giving very little detail. They are also guilty of allowing this to happen.
Don't get me wrong, pedos should absolutely be prosecuted and punished for their crimes, but incorrectly applying the laws to others is unacceptable!
/rant mode off