hi Anons
researchers are kicking ass rn
i can tell by [their] panic, it cracks me up
fearless: i'm full of fear but Anons give me courage and hope so i move as a free person would w/o fear b4 tyranny to keep the People calm around here
i also remind those that have most have the most to lose should fight the hardest; those w little will become desperate w nothing
Faith reminds me worrying is lacking Faith
work together: recall elections, remove [their] majority
pressure: leads to mistakes, ask any skilled poker player
skill is better than luck in the long run; i do love some good luck tho
risk: is everyday, even laying in bed all day is a risk for what opportunities are missed
Time is precious; enjoy to bring joy to the World
Youngsters, help now to secure your Futures by learning Truth from Anons' Notables and share them w your Frens ty
Elders, call leaders and tell them what you think
ALL together, battle lies in the forever information war
the People benefit w information so fake leaders keep it secret
bypass msm to reach Normies so they can help
ask others to tell others; become exponential
thank you Anons