kekked at the bread name
kekked at the bread name
Brown Jackson was the judge for the Pizzagate shooter
you know, the Hollywood actor who stormed Comet Pingpong andput a bullet in the hard drive
Pedo judge Emmet Sullivan will be next
video here https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/_/g/7/A/_g7Ad.caa.mp4
Peters explains their findings short and sweet when she comes on
interesting, could be
hard to know much about ancient Egypt. I've seen a video showing they had great machines to do the pyramids..
the ones who left with Moses though, they were not Edomites they were Jacob's line.
thats outrageous
Qanon was short for Q Clearance Anon
thats true but the term wasnt coined by the media
tbis theory of the media made up 'qanon' is made up
maybe it's a year old
theres no evidence for it
qanon was used on the chans by us, I guess you weren't here
it was in every OP of the early threads
why dont you admit you were wrong, faggot?
I've linked you the early threads where it was used in the OP for 15 consecutive threads
Q also said Merkle was descended from Hitler
you have a computer search it