Damn, anons. Have a look at this fictional and satirical fake news article. Doesn't mention if Fauci was one of the Americans but still a good fictional read
"In what could rightfully be called a communal execution, his military commanders had assembled the 12 criminals and, on Putin’s orders, beheaded them one by one. Each of the condemned, except the last to die, was forced to watch the brutal, grisly scene. Many pleaded for their lives as they watched in horror their associates’ heads being sawed off at the neck. Some tried to shut their eyes, but Russian soldiers forced those eyes open with their thumbs. Half of the group pissed themselves before their heads were lopped off.
Putin said he had captured them alive because he wanted to send a clear, undiluted message to the CEOs of bioweapon consortiums that had manufactured weapons of mass destruction on Ukrainian soil."