Don't Be a Sucker!
Admonishes Americans that they will lose their country if they let fanaticism and hatred turn them into "suckers." "Let's forget about 'we' and 'they' – let's think about us!"
Don't Be a Sucker!
Admonishes Americans that they will lose their country if they let fanaticism and hatred turn them into "suckers." "Let's forget about 'we' and 'they' – let's think about us!"
What You Should Know About Biological Warfare
Shows hows germs, toxins & plant growth regulators are used in biological warfare. How attacks may occur & what individuals should do if an epidemic results.
Story Of Our Flag
Follows the evolution of the flag of the United States from the colonial flags to the stars and stripes of today. Shows by animation the development of the western territories into the present states and how this development effected changes in the flag.
Story Of Our Flag
Follows the evolution of the flag of the United States from the colonial flags to the stars and stripes of today. Shows by animation the development of the western territories into the present states and how this development effected changes in the flag.
Delicious Dishes
How to prepare delicious dishes that look as good as they taste!