Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 1:49 p.m. No.15928436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8439 >>8642 >>8869 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191

Australian Govt Set to Launch New Tourist Ad Campaign – Come to the New Australia, We Won’t Beat You, Shoot You or Lock You Up Anymore, Promise


–March 23, 2022

''If it seems like only a few weeks ago when Australia was kicking out an international tennis star for not being vaccinated, that’s because it was only a few short weeks ago.''


However, with a massive surge in COVID-19 cases ongoing, and heeding urgent instructions from the WEF group, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announces the land down under is now going to launch a new and improved tourist campaign.


Apparently, the Aussie government is concerned their modern ‘prison camp‘ island image might have a negative impact on visitors.


In an effort to overcome the global image of Australia forcibly locking people in quarantine camps, conducting manhunts for the escapees, shooting people with rubber bullets for not wearing masks and beating people in the streets for non-compliance, the Morrison team is going to spend $60 million on a ‘Happy Oz‘ media campaign to get tourism back with no vaccinations required.


We can only imagine the new two-year ad campaign:


“Come to the New Australia, We Won’t Shoot Now – Swear”. Or…


“We Only Club the Locals, Mate.”


“The Aussie Courts are Open Again, and This Time We Mean It, Tennis.”


“Come Back, Come Vaxxed, or Not – Who Cares?”


“We’re not as Roo’d as you might think”


“Camping’s Great, Come Visit Our New Facilities”


“See, You Really Can Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny”



Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 1:53 p.m. No.15928458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8642 >>8782 >>8869 >>8882 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191

Newsweek Shift – Maybe Putin Not So Bad, He Could Devastate Ukraine, but Putin Is Holding Back

March 23, 2022


''Well, this is weird. After weeks of the horrible Putin narrative, Newsweek softens the tone, perhaps sees a larger landscape where Russia is working strategically though a plan and says, “Putin’s Bombers Could Devastate Ukraine but He’s Holding Back.” Wait, what?''


According to the anonymous Newsweek sources – intelligence officials who fear speaking publicly for fear of severe repercussions – it would be very easy for Vladimir Putin to level the key cities and industries in Ukraine, but he’s not doing it.


The strategy Newsweek is seemingly beginning to admit is the same strategy Col Douglas Macgregor has been speaking about.


(Newsweek) – As destructive as the Ukraine war is, Russia is causing less damage and killing fewer civilians than it could, U.S. intelligence experts say.


Russia’s conduct in the brutal war tells a different story than the widely accepted view that Vladimir Putin is intent on demolishing Ukraine and inflicting maximum civilian damage—and it reveals the Russian leader’s strategic balancing act. […] Understanding the thinking behind Russia’s limited attacks could help map a path towards peace, experts say.


In nearly a month since Russia invaded, dozens of Ukrainian cities and towns have fallen, and the fight over the country’s largest cities continues. United Nations human rights specialists say that some 900 civilians have died in the fighting (U.S. intelligence puts that number at least five times UN estimates). About 6.5 million Ukrainians have also become internally displaced (15 percent of the entire population), half of them leaving the country to find safety.


“The destruction is massive,” a senior analyst working at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) tells Newsweek, “especially when compared with what Europeans and Americans are used to seeing.”


But, the analyst says, the damage associated with a contested ground war involving peer opponents shouldn’t blind people to what is really happening. (The analyst requested anonymity in order to speak about classified matters.) “The heart of Kyiv has barely been touched. And almost all of the long-range strikes have been aimed at military targets.” (read more)


What the article boils down to is an acceptance, albeit couched in the U.S/NATO narrative, that Vladimir Putin is working through a careful and methodical plan to eliminate –with extreme prejudice– one severe faction of the Ukraine military (Azov battalion Nazis), and yet carefully and surgically leave intact the areas of greatest population.


The capture of Ukraine, with as little damage as possible, while eliminating the elements with the connections to western government manipulation, appears to be the process. This, in addition to the removal of the Zelenskyy government, is what Macgregor has been pointing out from the beginning.


Putin seemingly plans to rebuild most of eastern Ukraine (closest to Russia) where a civil war has been ongoing for over a decade. That region is also the location of the most ultranationalist of the Ukraine forces, so the military targeting has been severe in that area.


With the sanctions and western intelligence efforts of the State Dept./CIA, and western economic group appearing to have little impact, perhaps the media is starting to realize the conflict in Ukraine is more complex and thought out than fits the current western media narrative.

Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 1:59 p.m. No.15928508   🗄️.is 🔗kun




'A Jew and an atomic bomb walk into a Ukrainian bar, the A bomb says,

"What you expect me to destroy the world with just one Jew?"'


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


OK so David John Oates on had some interesting revelations on the future tense. First up that Zellinskyy bad actor in Ukraine seemed to be hinting that he had wag the dog terror bombers in the wings. The analogy is they would not bomb Russians, but the West, and blame Russia for the bombings.


In an honest reversal, Dictator Biden calls the Jew, Zellinskyy a jerk who is stealing Biden's show.


Deserter Donald Trump is back and reveals that his appearances in this faux campaign are being billed to the regime that Trump is DIA shilling for. Pay attention to the Durham Report or charges as Trump links it's contents to Governor Kristi Noem having the political door open for her to be Vice President. Noem is not the hot little hayseed straddling ponies. She apparently is cartel connected. Good news for South Dakota as they will be rid of her, but bad news for America that this pedo protector is being moved up on the scale.


Lastly, connected to this William Barr former AG says that Durham is following Hunter and Joe Biden's money trail. That is UKRAINE and CHINA.




Leader of the world - Reveal a need, bombers won't stay


We are fighting for values of Europe - Do you feel my con


That can not stop the death - Reveal the Latin Shiek (Pater Pope)


I'm addressing Biden - Reveal the debt


''Dictatorship Biden''


Thank Zellinskyy - We can't help


7000 small arms - See this friendly net


Putin counting on divided NATO - With the crime, we'll deny it


Talk about our record - Raise the loss. we'll miss it


20 million people out of work- The loss that I fumbled


Zellinskyy works of his people - It's a jerk overcome on my show.


''Deserter Donald Trump''


Maybe even more - You will bill my debt (The DIA)


Acting like we are terrible people - People break the will


the oil flow - the oil flow you dick head


Coasting up and down your coast - You talk evil they'll vomit


The Durham report - Noem needs a door


''William Barr''


Department of Justice - Plus they search for the profit


His personal behavior - Silly warfare beyond


In all this fraud - I was no fraud


So there you have some insights in the juice which is dripping from the nethers of the cartel puppets.


Nuff Said


Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 2:06 p.m. No.15928559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8591 >>8642 >>8671 >>8713 >>8869 >>8923 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191

''Day 26 of “Operation Z” in the Ukraine==


Dear friends,


First, a small announcement: I am working with a few friends to try to get a daily “Operation Z SITREP” posted in our SITREP section. This would contain the latest news and the maps that so many like so much. This is still a work in the planning stages, but I hope to get the ball rolling reasonably soon.


Next, according to Chechen sources, Chechen special operations have entered the Azovstal factory in Mariupol. This is too important a claim to be accepted yet, but there are many indirect reports which seem to confirm the veracity of this claim. If so, then that means that most of the residential areas of Mariupol have now been liberated from the Nazi terrorists of the Azov battalion. If the combat operation inside or near the Azovstal buildings is still going on, well that means that very soon Mariupol will be denazified which, considering that the Nazi forces inside the city were just about the most evil and yet quite combat capable units available to the Ukronazi regime, the final liberation of Mariupol will mean a huge difference for the entire operation.


Check this video by Gonzalo Lira to get a full picture of why Mariupol is so crucial.

Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 2:10 p.m. No.15928591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8594 >>8642 >>8869 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191



Now turning to Zone A:


This is the kind of stuff one can see in the London subway, I was told.


True or false? Who knows, but the point is that it pretty much encompasses the traditional British view of the Russian people. Again, these types of “coming outs” are fantastically important for the future of Russia, so I encourage them.


Which brings me to the official narrative.


I think that it is finally cracking. Here and there in the official corporate media, there are articles about some Ukrainian fakes, other articles question the wisdom to go to war with Russia over what is a dead, corrupt, Nazi country 404.


The reports about the Russians losing a million tanks, soldiers, missiles and men are gradually being replaced with more sober assessments and the maps produced by western outlets are gradually starting to look more or less similar to the maps produced by the various “Putin propaganda outlets”.


I see two things coming next:


The much announced “Russian atrocity” false flag (several have failed over the past few days, including one chemical one which was thwarted when the wind blew in the “wrong” direction – that is away from the targeted town.

Poland will try to convince the USA to allow it to hide behind Uncle Shmuel’s back and conduct a “peacekeeping operation” to create a mini-Banderastan in western Ukraine.

Now there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the USA want three things:


  • A war lasting as long as possible

  • As many civilian victims as possible

  • To flood the Ukraine with weapons to then direct a “stay-behind” insurgency


I am not at all convinced that the USA will go along with the Polish plan. Why? Because I believe that a Russian Iskander strike INSIDE POLAND (similar to the ones we saw in Iavorovo, the ammo dump in Kiev and in Novaia Liubomirka) is a quasi-certitude (remember: Russia IS ready to fight both NATO and the US together!). BTW – the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?



Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 2:10 p.m. No.15928594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8616 >>8642 >>8869 >>8973 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191



Bottom line is that if the Polaks organize another little “peacekeeping training camp” and think that the Russians won’t dare to strike a NATO country they are quite wrong. They are probably too dumb/delusional to realize that, but the folks at the US DoD probably do and don’t need this. Why, well precisely because NATO member or not, Article 5 or not, nobody will come to aid the Polaks against the wrath of the entire Russian military, the manpower and resources needed a not there anyway…


Unless the Russians and the US Americans agree to a partition of the Ukraine. Not likely, but always possible. It is going to almost certainly happen anyway, the only way to prevent that is Russian tanks at the Polish border, and not just for a quick visit, but to create something like the 201 base in Tajikistan.


Anyway, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, this is all still in the future.


Want a good laugh?


Here is how low CNN has sunk, check out this truly priceless headline: twice poisoned and still very much alive, amazing! Russian “biowarfare killers” really need more training if they can’t even kill a guy but kill his pets (Skripal), they can’t poison a Russian citizen inside Russia (Navalnyi) and fail to kill that guy (his name is Vladimir Kara-Murza, he is a common criminal) TWICE!


KGB killers are not what they used to be…


What about the events on the front line?


I won’t into details here but I will offer a few bullet points


Very heavy combats near Avdeevka and Mariupol.

Combat pretty much everywhere the line of contact, which result in slow positional warfare with artillery exchanges and very careful mopping up building by building and even room by room.

On average Russian forces advance between 5 and 20 kilometers per day, which is rather fast against a defense in depth prepared for years.

The key cities of Kiev and Odessa are almost completely blocked, but not fully surrounded yet.

The Black Sea fleet basically controls the entire Ukie coast and all of the Black Sea itself.

The Black Sea fleet also prevents any resupply of Odessa from Romania.

Russia has full air superiority over the entire Ukie airspace

The Ukies are STILL firing both Tochka-U and Grad/Smrech missiles in the general direction of liberated cities just to create as many casualties as possible, but the Russians have become very skilled at not only shooting down these missiles (the destruction ratio has gone up very sharply) but also a destroying the key Ukrainian ammo dumps were they hide those missiles (this is what happened with the big building in downtown Kiev which the Russians totally vaporized with one perfectly aimed Iskander missile. If you have not seen this amazing video, you can quickly re-watch it here:



Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 2:13 p.m. No.15928616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634 >>8642 >>8869 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191



And, finally, I want to share something very important with you: the Ukronazi forces cannot resupply or rotate themselves. Why?


Because moving around when the air is full of Mi-24/35s, Mi-28Ns, and Ka-52s in “free hunting” mode requires a type of courage very few people have.

Because most roads are carefully monitored by multi-sensor Russian reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities

Because more big roads (you cannot use small dirt roads to resupply or rotate effectively) are either already physically controlled by the Russians or are “shot through”, which in Russian indicate that while Russian soldiers have reached each other and hugged they can shoot at any location from these roads from any side.

So it does not matter how motivated the Ukrainians are. Even with we assume 100% of the Ukrainians are well trained, well-armed and would rather die than retreat or surrender, they still need many TONS of stuff (food, ammo, water, MRE, medicine, batteries, petroleum, diesel, lubricants, oil and many more things!) EVERY DAY. Just to give you an idea, read this pretty decent discussion of some aspects of logistics by the US military.


So once the Ukies are blocked by Russians, it is essentially over for them. Anybody with a basic understanding of modern warfare can confirm that to you.


Add to this in the very first day Russia destroyed all the Ukie communication centers and capabilities in the first few hours of the operation, and you will see that while the Ukrainian side has “brigades” and “battalions” these are all undermanned and, crucially, cannot cooperate with each other. In other words, they cannot jointly maneuver to support each other.


To put it in the simplest terms, the Ukrainians are not able to conduct any operations, and that is why all their so-called “counter-attacks” always fail and mostly never even materialized. At best, they can destroy a Russian checkpoint, blow up a truck or even shoot down a helicopter, but none of that solves their real problem which is that they are now mostly reduced to WWI type of warfare against a 21st-century ultra-modern military which has the total control of the situation.


That’s it for today. I really have to stop because I have a roaring repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand because I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time on my keyboard. I already use a brace to protect my thumb, but even that does not help. So I will sign off for the day and be back tomorrow, God willing.


Kind regards




Anonymous ID: 0b4636 March 23, 2022, 3:11 p.m. No.15929072   🗄️.is 🔗kun