Anonymous ID: 838d58 March 23, 2022, 2:55 p.m. No.15928953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8964 >>8965 >>9035 >>9135 >>9191

Corrupt Former FBI Agent William Tisaby Who Bungled Investigation into then Governor Eric Greitens PLEADS GUILTY of Evidence Tampering


Ex-FBI agent William Tisaby who led the bungled investigation into former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens pleaded guilty on Wednesday to evidence tampering.


The Gateway Pundit reported on Tisaby previously when he was charged. Tisaby worked with Soros-backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner when he was involved in setting up the former governor.


John Solomon’s Just the News reported on this breaking development.


An ex-FBI agent who led the bungled investigation into former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens pleaded guilty Wednesday to witness tampering in a deal that spared him from a trial and placed additional spotlight on the prosecutor behind the case.


William Tisaby appeared in a St. Louis Circuit Court and entered the plea to one count of misdemeanor evidence tampering and was sentenced to probation, which was immediately suspended. It was not immediately clear whether Tisaby was required to cooperate in any further investigation.


Tisaby had been facing trial on six counts of perjury and one count of evidence tampering in an indictment that accused him of hiding evidence and lying during the investigation into Greitens, a Republican who was forced to resign as governor after St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner charged him as taking a compromising photo of a woman he had an affair with.


The charges were dramatically dropped when Gardner admitted she did not have evidence the photo was taken and the woman testified she may have dreamed up the allegation.


Gardner has not been charged with criminal wrongdoing but has been accused by Missouri’s chief legal disciplinarian with violating dozens of attorney standards of conducts during the prosecution, including withholding exculpatory evidence. She faces a hearing on those allegations on April 11 and has denied wrongdoing.


A 2019 indictment accused Tisaby of lying during a deposition ahead of the Greitens’ trial and concealing notes taken during an interview with the former governor’s accuser. Prosecutors charged that Tisaby’s lies were “about matters which could substantially affect, or did substantially affect, the course or outcome of the Greitens case.”


Kim Gardner, the Soros-funded Circuit Attorney in St. Louis City, has a horrible record for adhering to the Constitution. She was involved in multiple acts of misconduct and multiple false representations related to the entire case against Greitens.


They lied about Eric Greitens and took him out — one of the most popular governors in the country.

These are not good people.


This is developing news.

Anonymous ID: 838d58 March 23, 2022, 2:57 p.m. No.15928978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9135 >>9191

Leaked Emails From Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Reveal Voter Fraud Concerns Before 2020 Election


Newly released emails from November 2019 show Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer expressing his concerns about voter fraud and unscrupulous elections officials before the rigged 2020 election.


We The People AZ Alliance‘s Shelby Busch provided these emails between Stephen Richer and her to The Gateway Pundit.


In 2018, Stephen Richer was tasked by the Arizona GOP with auditing the 2018 midterm election after serious concerns over fraud and elections law violations. His findings were inconclusive due to then Recorder Adrian Fontes’ failure to produce requested documents, much like Stephen Richer is doing today.


The Gateway Pundit reported that the Maricopa County Recorder’s office has defied requests from the Arizona Attorney General for his criminal investigation into the sham 2020 election.


Recorder Stephen Richer ran for office in 2020 on the exact same points. He told voters that former Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes is a “criminal.”


One year before his election, Richer wrote,


This confidence has been further damaged by the fact that Fontes has not given a full accounting for his actions in the election, and his Office has failed to produce documents in response to the multiple records requests put forward by the Republican and its surrogate (me).


In these emails, Richer expresses concerns over ballot harvesting, signature verifications, human bias, duplication of ballots, voter roll maintenance, and policy that enables election fraud.


In regards to ballot duplication due to unreadable ballots, Richer suggests that we “simply throw it away because human oversight is an imperfect art.” He further states that it is likely the voter’s own fault if their ballot is unreadable.


Richer even showed support for post-election door-to-door canvassing efforts. In the last email, Richer says that the best way to know if someone lives at the address they voted from would be to go and canvass the residence.


The Gateway Pundit also reported that Stephen Richer was exposed for not trusting Dominion to be used in another election.


Maricopa County and election fraud deniers have taken a hard stance against these ideas. They have even claimed that post-election canvassing is equivalent to “voter intimidation.”


Stephen Richer won the 2020 election and refused to get to the bottom of the stolen 2020 election.


Was he just appealing to voters with his rhetoric, or was he paid off upon taking office?


Read Stephen Richer’s explanation of how voter fraud is not a myth.


The Maricopa County full forensic election audit discovered multiple elections law violations and over 700,000 ballot discrepancies. An additional investigation found 740,000 ballots lacking chain of custody documentation in Maricopa County alone. And citizen-led canvassing efforts in Maricopa County also discovered hundreds of thousands of potential “ghost votes” and “lost votes.”


Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules, a bombshell documentary that uses footage obtained from ballot boxes in key states across America, is set to expose the ballot harvesting operation used to steal the 2020 Election.


Stephen Richer’s worries came true, but he refuses to do anything about it.

Anonymous ID: 838d58 March 23, 2022, 2:58 p.m. No.15928989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9073 >>9135 >>9191

Idaho Governor Signs Texas-Style Bill That Outlaws Abortions After Six Weeks of Pregnancy


Idaho Governor Brad Little (R) on Wednesday signed a Texas-style bill that outlaws abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.



Idaho on Wednesday became the first state to enact a law modeled after a Texas statute banning abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy and allowing it to be enforced through civil lawsuits to avoid constitutional court challenges.


Republican Gov. Brad Little signed into law the measure that allows people who would have been family members to sue a doctor who performs an abortion after cardiac activity is detected in an embryo.


“I stand in solidarity with all Idahoans who seek to protect the lives of preborn babies,” Little wrote in a letter to Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, who is also president of the Senate.


The law in the conservative state is scheduled to take effect 30 days after the signing. But court challenges are expected.


The Idaho bill was modeled after the Texas “heartbeat” abortion law.


The “heartbeat” law effectively outlaws abortions in the state after 6 weeks and also gives any citizen – including those outside Texas – the right to take legal action against anyone who ‘aids and abets’ the termination of a pregnancy after the cut off point.

Anonymous ID: 838d58 March 23, 2022, 3:03 p.m. No.15929017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9135 >>9191

Ukrainian Official Pleads With Chinese Drone Maker To Stop Use By Russian Military


A Ukrainian statesman called upon a Chinese drone manufacturer to halt the use of its products by the Russian military, which he said were being used to target Ukrainian civilians with missiles.


“In 21 days of the war, Russian troops [have] already killed 100 Ukrainian children,” Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Federov wrote in a March 16 tweet.


“They are using DJI products in order to navigate their missile[s].”


Headquartered in Shenzhen, DJI is one of the world’s largest drone manufacturers. Though its products are ostensibly designed for civilian use, they are used by militaries the world over. Federov attached an open letter to DJI CEO Frank Wang, pleading that he halt business ties in Russia and place limits on the use of DJI drones in Ukraine.


“The socially responsible business always supports values of humanity, responsibility, and peace,” Federov wrote. “We believe your company also shares them. Now, responsibility is the choice, the choice that defines the future. And now, more than ever, people’s lives depend on your choice.”


“We call on your company to end any relationship and stop doing business in the Russian Federation until the Russian aggression in Ukraine is fully stopped and fair order is restored.”


Federov said that Russian forces were using a version of DJI’s AeroScope technology to assist in its missile targeting.


DJI advertises AeroScope as a comprehensive drone detection platform that identifies and tracks drones in real time, and says that all of its current drone lineup uses the technology.


Federov also asked Wang to shut off all DJI drones that had not been activated within Ukraine, saying that Russia was utilizing drones purchased in Syria or Lebanon. He said that a similar action had been taken in the war in Georgia.


The letter followed reports that stated that Russian AeroScope platforms were continuing in normal working order, but that service for Ukrainian models had been downgraded.


DJI issued a statement on Twitter saying that the technology could not be turned off and denied the report that it had altered the functionality of Ukrainian-based systems.

Anonymous ID: 838d58 March 23, 2022, 3:20 p.m. No.15929124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9135 >>9191

Angry parent reads sexually charged passage from HS library book to school board. Board member cuts her off, says children could be listening.


An angry parent read a sexually charged passage from a high school library book to a Georgia public school board Thursday, making the point that the book's content is inappropriate for students.


But upon hearing the parent read the steamy words from "Homegoing," a Cherokee County School Board member cut off the angry parent.



Well, PJ Media reported that board member Patsy Jordan said it was "inappropriate" for the the parent to read the passage since the meeting was being streamed online — and children could be watching or listening.


“Don’t you find the irony in that?" the parent shot back at Jordan. "You’re saying exactly what I’m telling you! You’re giving it to our children! I would never give this to my children!"

Anonymous ID: 838d58 March 23, 2022, 3:21 p.m. No.15929136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9191

State independent MP Gareth Ward banned from school visits


NSW independent MP Gareth Ward is officially banned from visiting any schools in his Kiama electorate after being charged with alleged sex crimes, including against a teenage boy.


He was charged on Tuesday with indecently assaulting a 17-year-old boy in 2013 and sexually abusing a man two years later.


The 40-year-old MP says he is innocent of the charges and will fight the allegations. He is also resisting calls to resign.


There will be a vote today in the parliament to suspend him until his case in finalised in the courts.


The vote is likely to be passed, leaving the seat of Kiama on the NSW south coast without parliamentary representation until criminal proceedings are concluded.


Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said given the seriousness of the allegations, she had acted to stop Mr Ward from visiting any schools within his electorate.