Use OpenDNS servers and try again.
it seems some sub domains work fine.
seems is blocking you, no idea why they are doing that.
that video is from 2017 or even earlier, and probably even fake+ghey.
actually yes.
regular works fine w/ Brave, but doesn't work on my heavily fortified Pale Moon.
>I am fairly sure that vid is from either 2018 or 2019.
I linked to a tweet with the same video.
>or are you saying there were some 50 antifa actors?
Would it even matter?
What is it supposed to show?
That Soros is paying antifa? Does it proof that? No. It's either some retarded antifas or some other retards screaming somewhere "where's muh money".
What you need to do about Soros, is SIMPLY let him speak. That's all. No need to interfere, or make stuff up, or believe in stuff because of some silly video.
Posted on Jun 1,2020
Antifa Members areNowProtesting
The video is from 2017 or even earlier.
Another link of yours says 5 years ago.
I linked to a tweet with the same video from 2017.
It's telling that it's pushed over and over the years.
>why do you fight that info so hard?
Why are you pushing shit from ages ago that can even be easily debunked, because it doesn't proof shit.
"oh wow, a few masked nobodies scream something", that is all.
Listen to what Soros says, that can not get debunked.
Why have YOU not actually checked from when this video is from?
You even claimed after I posted a link on twitter that you are quite sure that it's from 2018 or 2019, despite my link being from 2017, which you even posted as "sauce" later.
And then afterwards you post shit source with all sorts of claims, one 2020, one 2017, one 2018. You should have noticed that it's all over, which is already fishy as fuck.
I actually just took a look at your IP hash.
If you are actually a real anon, why the fuck do you spread bullshit, that can easily get disproven as fake meanwhile pretending everyone else is a mason or a shill?
You posted this imag, and even posted this in multiple threadse
Even in here >>15930193
claiming that the photo would be George Soros.
Well fuck, if you actually checked your shit, you would have found out that it's ACTUALLY Oskar Groening.
So if anyone is pushing false shit in here, it's you.
I said that your photo of "George Soros", that you posted in multiple threads already - IS NOT GEORGE SOROS.
And you could have easily checked that by doing a reverse image search. It's someone else, which I also linked to.
And stop calling me shill, retard. Anyone can easily figure out who is talking truth here.
>what's your point
Do you understand what a video of a few masked people screaming some bullshit actually proves?
NOTHING, nada.
You are just opening yourself up for attacks that way. You obviously do not even know where that video was actually made, and when.
You posted this just a bit of time ago
>shills are not anons.
>some posts are just made to spread some fake narrative so fake news media has ammo against Q.
><anons are stupid
><anons are nazis
>reply to shills (not filling the bread though) to show you do not agree with utter bs on this board.
Read your own words and act accordingly.
some posts are just made to spread some fake narrative so fake news media has
Don't do that, because you did that.