sorry but we're gonna need some proof
Corsi is DS
>if the Jews are Khazarians, then who killed Jesus?
No one is saying all Jews are Khazarians
Khazarians are sometimes called "The 13th Tribe"
because they were forced to choose an Abrahamic religion
or be annihilated by their neighbors in the 8th century AD
so they chose Judaism, but secretly continued
to follow their ancient pagan religion
The Talmud was the ancient Babylonian
pagan religion that the Khazarians still followed
they encoded it and adapted it to work with Judaism
it spread from there and now Rabbinical
(Talmud) Judaism is the most widely followed
It's not a theory
the Pharisees followed the same ancient
Babylonian religion as the Khazarians
because it was widespread for a very long time
Your problem is you think the Khazarians
had to exist at the same time - they were a later people
>Pharisees, who we know today as jews, migrated to Khazaria after working the spice trade,
source for that?
>I'm not the one calling jews Khazars/khazarians
I'm trying to clarify things
the Pharisees and the Khazarians
were NOT the same people
>Rarely do I find an anon that understands the importance of Nimrod.
>Do you?
I still have much to learn
>You can thank the Vatican for that fog
Apparently the underground vaults
under the Vatigan go for miles and miles
wealth and knowledge from many centuries of pillaging