Wait… I test between 130's, up to 148…. How many of us are here???
FYI: IQ is NOT a measure of success… Trust me.
Also, I think the guy with the highest IQ on the planet works as a bouncer in South America.
It's the same "Trump is Hitler" garbage we saw before… This is to make you say, "Oh they hate him, so he must be the good guy", so you will vote for him again.
Or, our only hope for a "good guy", is someone who is painfully incapable of naming the Jew.
Trump just can't seem to figure out why he keeps getting blind-sided by the media, his staff and more… IT'S THE KIKES, MR. PRESIDENT.
Figure it out. Ffs.
What??? The AshkeNAZIS are the Jews, dummy.
Ukrainian = Khazarian = Nazi = Jew = Bolshevik = Zionist = Talmudist = Marxist = Communist = Leninist
THIS… What do ALL nations we have been at war with have in common???
Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now Russia…
Andrew Jackson tried to do it here in America (The US Bank back then, was the world Jew bank), and he was attacked and smeared for it. He defended America, but as soon as he was out of office, the banks crept back in and took over.
Bullshit… Someone can request a Notable of their own post. There are no rules here, you tyrannical, faggot.
Oh, I get it now… Embolden dumb druggie leftist millennials with Marvel comic movies, so they think they are badass and stuff. Encourage them and their tranny/homo friends join the military. Send them all to die in Eastern Europe. Draft those who don't want to go. And the rest will just take Covid-jabs and get AIDS. And it can't spread, because none of them get laid.
It's genius.
Will the REAL Anonymous please stand up…
(Okay, it was just a figure of speech. Sit back down, retard.)
Not here…
You see all that shit at the top of the bread, with rules and an overview of "what we do here", essentially???
Yeah, that's all bullshit. NO ONE speaks for us all. WWG1WGA? Maybe when we all die. But not on these fucking boards. I posted the Jefferson quote, years ago, and some Baker included it in the bread, and now everyone thinks it was purposefully placed their by super-secret, military-intel guys. I created the graphic that was used for Q-Research for about a year, also. (The big eagle one). It was NOT created in an Air Force One mobile meme-lab. Nor, in a Nazi basement project. Also, there are 113 UID here now, posting. That means in this HUGE movement, only 113 motherfuckers bothered to get up and contribute to the boards. Chew on that for some perspective.
Freeze-peaches is what matters most to ME. Hence, why I ended up on /pol/ and the Chans to begin with.
All this, filtering, "be non-violent", fairy bullshit, came as soon as reddit and the other normie fags found out about us.
Q came to us… Not the other way around. Remember that.
My thoughts: We got very close to the truth. And Q is either helping us uncover that truth, or divert us from it.
Sure… How about the links to "Law Abiding Citizen" clips. A movie about a citizen who feels wronged by gov't, and starts blowing them up, using military-grade explosives and more.
What do the words "PAIN", alongside a "Punisher" logo, mean to you?
Anything else you want me to clear up for ya?
Narcissist faggots made all that shit at the top of the bread, and Bakers just re-post it, because they think they are getting their noses brown on some spec-op LARPers starfish, hoping Q will ask them to submit a resume to the NSA, or some gay shit.
It's frankly, an affront to the free-thinking, free-reign and independence this "movement" used to represent.
It's basically an ad at the top of the board for newbies that says, "Hey, this is how you should think here".
Fuck that.
I came here to expose corruption, pedophiles, and all manner of evil, shit-bag, motherfuckers, and see them brought to justice by some means or another, with or without our assistance.
If some Dad comes here telling us his child was raped by some pedo motherfucker, I'm sure as hell not going to tell him to be "non-violent". Especially, when we know the courts are not helping these children, and instead are stacked with pedo-defending bastards, of which Ketanji Brown-Jackson isn't even the tip of the ice-berg.
I say, put a stop to these evil bastards ANY WAY YOU CAN. And damn any one of you who wants to criticize me for exercising such an opinion on these boards.
This is just two retards who don't know anything moar than anyone else, sensationalizing a rumble vidya.
These empty promises to "Drain The Swamp", have just become a convenient way to get votes.
Put up or shut up.
Justice delayed, is justice denied.
Yeah… But, that "biggest event in the history of the world" is not taking place without both of our votes, is it? ;)
Stick around cupcake, you may learn something.
Wasn't that supposed to happen in 2016… and 17… and 18… and 19, then 2020?
But THIS time, if they can just get our vote ONE more time, 2022 is going to be the year they "Drain The Swamp"….
They promise.
Jesus… It's "see the forest THROUGH the trees".
Ffs… Go back to Reddit. You are unsalvageable.
What Gold? How much? They don't have ALL the gold. Use logic. Saying, "WE HAVE THE GOLD", is vague AF. Means literally nothing…
I can say, "I HAVE THE GOLD", honestly. because I have a gold-watch. But, who fucking cares?
Buy some fucking justice with your gold, Q…
Fuck arming Ukraine…
Trump should FREE CAIN VELASQUEZ and send him some Javelin Missles to use.
It seems we are all right and wrong… There is much confusion about this term, and none appear to use it correctly, including you and I.
You're still gay and your father hate you, though.
That would be an incredibly sad existence…
6'9"… A 'giant" basically. If you didn't make it in the NBA, you can still look forward to an early failing heart, tired from pumping that long body.
190 IQ… No one would understand you, and you would find many others boring and naive, perhaps even threatening. You would likely have few friends, and introvert more and more into adulthood. (Think Kazinski).
9 inch-cock… This would hurt most women. And the kind of woman that enjoys a 9-inch cock, is likely not the kind of gal you would want to bring home to Mom. Unless you're mother is a gaping, cum-dumpster, as well. A cock this big would be a pain in the ass, too. Try sprinting, without a jock-strap!
Fucking with you…. Relax, motherfucker. Holy fucking capitalization.
Save your energy for the Pedo-Purge.