>NATO not to deploy troops in Ukraine
Cabal backing down, it was about NATO on the border, the whole fucking world knows it. It's over.
>NATO not to deploy troops in Ukraine
Cabal backing down, it was about NATO on the border, the whole fucking world knows it. It's over.
>Putin wants rubles for Russian gas
Putin's plan is three move ahead. Americans can't play that kind of chess. If natural gas is priced in rubles, buyers have to purchase the rubles with dollars. So Putin gets the dollars, a stronger ruble, and still sells gas. The White House will figure this out in a few weeks… maybe the just did.
>finishing comments from jack maxey in switzerland who says blaming Klaus Schwab and George Soros are not to blame
Could have a few connotations but will look forward to your summary. This anon will watch it myself.
If (they) are not to blame, why mention it? A little tingling…