Anonymous ID: 96dfdd March 24, 2022, 1:31 p.m. No.15935790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

May God protect you w/ throgs of angelic protection, raise a standard and hedge of protect around you and your family, and an orb a light as protection from darkness and evil, and another lager orb around the sector, to brighten the

way forward. Holy Spirit, keep us suited up w/ the armour of God and pls anoint the planet and Milky Way with your holy spirit.

Anonymous ID: 96dfdd March 24, 2022, 2:17 p.m. No.15936068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[DS] censoring like a mofo. So pictures, shall have to suffice.


They don't want you to know that Indians (in Canada) are holding a peaceful, unity, vigilant occupation.


I heard someone say, conversation came threw and a tee pee was tore down. On the grounds that, it was a structure. So the next day someone came threw w/ a beach breeze blocker, and I spent the night there praying & chilling with good ppl. Even the police came threw and made sure everyone was safe, (major rarity) trust. They had a sign made at the scared site, with a sign stating "scared fire." The fire keeper feel asleep. I felt it my solom duty to keep it blazing, ya dig?


Log after log, it was minus 15, the fire blazed on throughout  the night. Inevitably, I feel asleep wrapped in a space blanket.

And when I woke up, it was still burning. We ran out of wood.

But volunteers came threw and it still stayed ablaze later that day. This was meant to be, just like the freedom we are experiencing all over the world!

Anonymous ID: 96dfdd March 24, 2022, 2:34 p.m. No.15936184   🗄️.is 🔗kun



[They] were PROSTITUTING 15yo right in front of my house last spring, and someone bucked an auto air soft rifle (ak47?) out side my house to intimatdate, as I was typing a letter trying to bring awareness about it. The girl got away thank God, before (they) could sacrifice her.


I have had several attempts on my life in the last year plus past years. I'm ex air force, recovering from a brain injury from accidents x3 since 1984. All where cars plowed into the vehicles I was in.


[They] have been selling kids in neighborhood. They dumped imagination from Kazakhstan and Haiti here. There is an child and family service group home at the end of my street. The police didn't even take a statement and left, justice turned me away threatened to terminate the call two days ago. There are Clandestine chemical production houses and I wake up many mornings to the the sysmtoms of breathing in muratic acid vapor.


My soul mate/ best friend  and I, have been targeted our whole lives, (predisposed to mental illness?)(voice to scull heros?)(child soldiers)? She's ex military (documented victim already verified) as well her Mom worked in government and her parents were Masons from w/ I can remember, which isn't much from having directed energy targeted at my head. Sometimes I pass out while posting.

One day I was sleep during the day, and some I know that served in the army, was from what I could tell from the hazy experience was walking out of my room, right arm hurt, I pasted back out, when I woke up I had a puncture wound on the blood vien. The blood clotted after I woke up. Then a got really immune comped. (Iraq flu)?


I don't care about me, but my experiances substantiated (her)  testimony. I love her, don't want any more evil to happen to her. Pray for (her) and the chilldren, over me. This hasn't fully ceased yet.


Whois:[(Kent Delaraunt)? (Computer programer?)

(Arthur aka "Dante" Shaw?) (Ex funeral director?)

(George le pine)

( ^ Texas funeral director industry owner?)

(Wayne Willot)

(David greene)? (Ex Hotel owner?)

What (is) [the devils table]?]