So it's not the Jews? The Jews are just puppets?
Stop criticizing Jews.
Jews are victims.
Stop accusing Jews of gangstalking, or they will gang stalk you. If you criticize them, you will be labeled as antisemitic and lose your job.
So stop criticizing Jews.
I have seen a lot of POC privilege with Affirmative Action, but I have never witnessed White Privilege.
And I have seen POC acting like a bunch of idiots and getting away with it, where a White person never would have.
White Privilege is a farce unless you count White people getting to pay for all of the POC Privilege.
If you don't have to worry about being placed on the top of the pile of applicants because of Affirmative Action, you have POC Privilege.
If you don't have to worry about paying for college tuition because you are a minority, you have POC privilege.
If you don't have to worry about being fired from your job, even if you don't do your job, because you can always play the race card and cry discrimination, you have POC privilege.
If you can act like an idiot in public and display inappropriate behavior and no one is allowed to criticize you, you have POC privilege.
From now on, I'm just gonna tell people that I'm not White, I'm Jewish and then I can do whatever I want.
A blessing and a curse.
Jesus was a Jew - blessing
Curse - every Jew that came after Him
>Y'all voted THIS into office??
Doesn't know that voter fraud was used to get all politicians elected, on the Right and the Left.
I want to see the POC Privilege handout.
When I was in HS, I was a B/C student.
No big deal, who cares. I knew my parents wouldn't pay for me to go to college. I ended up going into the army.
One of my friends in HS was Black, also a B/C student, got a full scholarship to college based on color of skin.
There's your White Privilege for you.
This adds insult to injury.
Affirmative Action has given POC privilege and put Whites at the bottom of the pile.
Now Whites are supposed to feel guilty for being White? What a bunch of nonsense.
Is this how they intend to poke the bear and create their race riots? Get White people really pissed off until they snap?
It won't work. White people are too smart to fall for it.
Half Black 0bama, raised by his White mother and White grandparents was the first "Black" president and he tried to turn the US into a Third World Country. What a disgrace to Black people.
I have heard they make good snipers.
They are patient and wait for the kill shot.
And their fingers are more dexterous.