Some of us have been pondering this for a good long time:
"When the cyber attacks start they will be in pieces. A little black out here, another one over there. They will be regional, then national, then global. They have been rehearsing for years with “down detectors” tripping in regional places. They can easily shut down gTLDs - generic top level domains like .com, .net, all the way down through the top 50. They will point the finger at Putin each time. In order for any one site to be resuscitated into their new DNSAI controlled network, a site will need to pass the Ministry of Truth’s propaganda test. There will be no exceptions made for information dissidents who do not eagerly embrace official narratives."
"What to do?
Unfortunately this question should have been asked a decade ago and all resources not tied to government venture capital programs, the ones that funded Facebook and Google, should have been answering the call. People thought they were with blockchain and “decentralized networks” however those can all be captured and demolished by governments, if not through legal means then market destruction. There is promise in blockchain for currencies to counter central bank tyranny, but does not solve the issues of privacy and autonomy."
"The entire system needs to be abandoned for something completely resistant to bad actors and central powers and built from the bottom out, with the people building it upwards."
This is a great read: