bun >>15939277, >>15939279, >>15939289
>How to repair chemical contaminated farm soil - anons personal experience
bun >>15939277, >>15939279, >>15939289
>How to repair chemical contaminated farm soil - anons personal experience
they're shutting it down
shut the fuck up
learn something from someone who knows more than you because they actually do it
when you own a tractor you can tell the anon that the "magical properties" aren't real
your mocking is foolish and belies your narcissism
entirely true
and it is far too late to do anything about it
but they were kind enough to inform us that nothing can stop what is coming
trips checked
agree there will not be a draft
but that twat is ludicrous
"a single front war"
the Russians will be rolling up on Sarah Palin's front lawn in hypersonic hovercrafts
before a draft can be implemented
a draft presumes the government wants to defend the nation
it's fairly clear this government is focused on destroying the nation
by seeding and feeding narratives that promote more confusion and discord
they are heading into bunkers
they've cranked up CERN
the magnetosphere of the earth is waning
pole shift is biblical and imminent
THE PLAN is about deceiving and distracting the masses from what is happening.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Netflix releasing a film in December called Don't Look Up
Chemtrails for decades, everywhere, at a cost of billions.
The end won't be for everyone
they expect to ride things out underground
leaving the poisoned, impoverished, starving, freezing, clueless masses to zombify and exterminate whoever survives
Remember William Shatner in his interviews following his trip into space on Bezo's Flying Blue Benis?
Recall him mentioning"THE CATASTROPHIC EVENT"
>When the sun has its cyclical 12,000 yr micronova around 2025 anon thinks that is the Biblical part.
>Things that seemed utterly ridiculous four years ago, like magnetic pole shifts, are completely real and habbening now.
>The south pole is actually off Antarctica already and the poles are gaining speed in their movement
>That end won't be for everyone. Humanity survives, barely, each time. 72,000 ya we got down to 3,000 or fewer humans.
which speaks to the fact that the purpose of chemtrails is to conceal the sky
Davidson only sees the micronova aspect e.g. the Chan Thomas and Doug Vogt
he's a lawyer and a narcissist, so the full truth eludes him
he discounts the binary system entirely and never addresses the Trojan asteroid belt, both of which are likely to wreak havoc upon the earth several years before the sun novas
anon has watched him for 10 years and prays that he will come to a realization of the full truth
Ben Davidson cannot save himself or his family
only God can
the intellectuals are the least likely to acknowledge this fact
but weather manipulation is primarily done with ground-based equipment
there is cloud-seeding that is done with aircraft, but chemtrails are a concealment operation
the poisoning of air, soil, water, plants and people is a bonus for them
but their main objective is to maintain calm
He's intent upon saving you, anon
the live exercise was a worldwide coup
to usher in the The Great Reset and New World Order
they are all complicit
Trump proclaimed repeatedly that he is "the father of the vaccine"
He told all the boomers at CPAC in February 2021 "Go get your shot."
the numbers are definitely inflated as part of the scheme to encourage people to take it
that graphic, though, could be viewed as the Tard Prevalence Map of America