wtf, they are deleting info on hunter biden now??
wtf, they are deleting info on hunter biden now??
>they're deleting that pic so the DS dont use it for an excuse to shut us down
imagine deleting information on Hunter Biden and then claiming it is for 8kuns protection. Jen Psaki posting on Q research.
>Posting CP has always won the poster a perma-ban.
There was no CP in those Hunter pics, you dishonest kike piece of shit.
>I know you're doing some kind of retard op but Jim Stone got his site closed recently for sharing that pic, absolutely they'd love to do that to 8kun.
Lie more you dumb fucking kikes.
We can't let you expose Hunter Biden on Q research cause for your safety.
Except my IP address hasn't changed this entire bread, niggerfaggot.
I really can't believe the people here that call themselves "anons" don't understand they are spamming TYB to distract from the fact they are deleting any information on Hunter Biden. You people are fucking stupid.