Brian Cates trackin' mules.
In Wisconsin, the group looked at 1.1 trillion signals (representing 421K unique devices, 20TB of data) during the period from 10/1 - 11/8, which encompassed several weeks before early voting began on 10/20. This allowed True the Vote to build a pre-election “pattern of life” to help identify the ballot trafficking mules.
The team then narrowed down the surveillance to individuals that visited at least 5 NGO offices and 26 drop boxes during the early voting period (a pattern that was contrary to their previous daily activity); 138 people in Milwaukee, Racine, and Green Bay fit that profile. These individuals made 3,568 visits to drop boxes during the 2020 election. Philips noted that 14 of these traffickers also participated in one or more of the violent riots in Wisconsin in 2020.