always thought "huh" sans the "?" was more like a "oh, i see…never thought of that"
so, no more pinpricks….hmmm….fascinating
yea….all 167 UIDs of them
know a ton of normies out in rural areas….not a one of them knows what/who Q is….they don't even know about Chans ; nor did they get vaccinated…they just are not plugged in like city/suburbanites; they don't have 'cabal' TV, nor a smart phones…..actual real people that didn't wear masks because they work outside…it is like there are now three americas ; the commies….the anti-commies….and the 'don't give a fucks' who just concentrate on the things immediately around them, but it is as if they do not exist , and they'd like to keep it that way
it is actually a very inferior form of human communication even when compared to a voice call…but we are wired to do face-to-face and this digital shit is fucking us up……….but, but, but it is so amazing! (no one wants to admit it)
so you are the designated "news" watcher of your circle? that is why i just come here….to get it all and i sift through it and report if anyone asks "so what is up with Russia?" cause they heard someone at the feed store mentioning it only because they know someone with a kid enlisted