Anonymous ID: 0faf4e March 25, 2022, 4:41 p.m. No.15944732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4752 >>4772 >>4784 >>4800 >>5272 >>5355 >>5386


From Saigon to Kabul: Biden’s response to Vietnam echoes in his views of Afghanistan withdrawal


Two weeks before Saigon fell in April 1975, a 32-year-old Joe Biden was among the senators summoned to the White House for a top-secret briefing on the crisis in Vietnam.


Though just a freshman, Biden gave the president a clear message: The situation in Vietnam was hopeless, and the United States should leave as quickly as possible, according to a column by Rowland Evans and Robert Novak at the time that described Biden’s interactions with then-President Gerald Ford.


Other senators who supported Biden at the time were taken aback by their young colleague’s “didactic performance,” the columnists wrote.


Nearly half a century later, Biden’s attitude toward the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has been strikingly similar — even as events echo the frantic evacuation of Americans and those who helped them in South Vietnam.

In a closed-door briefing, top officials at the State and Defense departments told Biden and other senators on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the South Vietnamese army had “a chance” to defend Saigon and the Mekong Delta area with more U.S. military aid, the newspaper accounts said.


“I am convinced there is absolutely no chance,” Biden told reporters after the briefing, according to an article in the Memphis Commercial Appeal.


But Biden was willing to spend tax dollars on a narrowly tailored effort to extract Americans.


Days before Saigon fell, the Senate approved a measure authorizing Ford to use tens of millions of dollars to aid with an evacuation.


“It is merely a ransom,” Biden said, joining with other senators who opposed military aid to Vietnam but backed the emergency funding out of a worry that some of the South Vietnamese would be angry about being deserted by their ally and would need to be “bought off” to allow Americans to safely depart, according to news accounts at the time.


When Saigon did fall, Biden was reflective and struck a tone of hope.


“We now seem to be finally out of Vietnam,” Biden said to the Seattle Daily Times. “It seems to me we’ve learned an important lesson about careless military involvement abroad.”

Anonymous ID: 0faf4e March 25, 2022, 4:55 p.m. No.15944800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4831 >>4840 >>4848 >>5272 >>5355 >>5386





Re read the 'fact check' - the claims are largely TRUE, but the phrasing is innacurate hence they claim False….


Here's a fact check - BUT, as with Snopes and others, it pays to look closely at the wording…




Senator Joe Biden did not block President Gerald Ford’s Vietnam evacuation plans.


Fact #1 : Senator Joe Biden Voted Against Vietnam Contingency Act


Senator Joe Biden voted against the Vietnam Contingency Act (S. 1484) when it was proposed in the US Senate, because he disagreed with two terms in the bill :


military assistance to Vietnam

authorisation to use American troops (if necessary) to protect the evacuation of South Vietnamese citizens.


Specifically, he was against the Ford Administration tying military assistance to Vietnam and the continued use of US troops, with the evacuation of American and Vietnamese civilians.


He was worried that $100 million of contingency funds in this bill would be used to provide military aid, instead of helping to evacuate the refugees.



Fact #2 : Joe Biden Was One Of 17 Who Voted Against S. 1484


The claim that Senator Joe Biden was the only senator to vote against S. 1484 is false. He was one of 17 senators who voted against the Vietnam Contingency Act.

Anonymous ID: 0faf4e March 25, 2022, 5:03 p.m. No.15944840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857 >>5293


>Need more reliable sauce, not more claims from the same one


I was compiling the post at the same time as other anon.



>Re read the 'fact check' - the claims are largely TRUE, but the phrasing is innacurate hence they claim False….'


Isn't voting against a bill blocking it? They say false because he wasn't the only one to vote against it as claimed… the devil is in the details.


Anonymous ID: 0faf4e March 25, 2022, 6:26 p.m. No.15945360   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, you're right anon. I was thinking too simply / layman like, when the wording has legislative meaning. I guess the point I should have made is if the original meme maker had stuck to the facts - 'voted against..' rather than flowering it up, the 'fact checkers' would have a harder time to 'refute'.


But then I kinda fell foul myself by not thinking my question through, thoroughly enough, before typing kek.