white toilet feud flares up over Duckrain whine from canOHduh
Biden gets bored stickin it in Hunter's backchannel
white toilet feud chasing urinal mint promises from imported tranny lobbyists
white toilet feud sends false twat affirming juwish fart noises
white toilet feud catches over the border hoppers in great lakes
white toilet feud ordered prune juws
white toilet feud sends papers at egregious homo
white toilet feud executes stubby fingers in crack
white toilet feud exassberbates fart slave taxes
fart slave taxes rise faster than cow farts taxes
white toilet feud fog of war spreads across papers directed at egregious homo
spuriously Q_eer$ decline larps
fart larp tokens chase gay clouds
you are so full of jenkem
soros gets sculpture on death star
zelensky never putin hunter's crack
CP was on his laptop
DERPINA finally stops licking herself in public
hunter's crack begs for daddy's putin
red heifer sneaks away from rental for frolic with foreigner