>>15945302 (pb)
>>15945258 (pb)
>Did you know that Nixon provided his Ambassador to the UN an office in the WH? Unheard of. It was George Bush. Forget the how or the why just look at the results.
Poppy earned his bonez with the hit in Dallas AND the cover up. He ran the WH Plumbers. Poppy sent them to Chappaquiddick to set the bear trap for Teddy. He took care of Allende and blew up Allende Ambassador Orlando Letelier and Ronnie Moffitt at Sherdian Circle in D.C. in 1976. All the time running heroin from the Golden Triangle w Clowns in the Air.
Funded and trained the ruthless Contras to fight the Sandinistas. Began running cocaine with Barry Seal as original pilot. Instead of Miami, Poppy's protege Slick Willie gave them Mena Airport in Arkansas. Congress outlawed arming the Contras. Poppy began sending weapons to Iran and used funds to secretly continue arming the Contras. Then clown NOC pilot was shot down by Sandanistas with a load of weapons.
Iran Contra Committee pretty much fingered them all except for Poppy who was planning the hit on Reagan.
Fukken Poppy, single-handedly it seems, shot the American Dream out from under us, and the World, in 1963.