repatriation (quiz Monday) has been going on for over a decade.
lawfags wanna weigh in:
on introducing evidence
in civil vs. criminal
of elected and appointed officials?
re: "you can't sue the government" but Wray et al won't arrest 'em…
would this indicate that DJT knows that the investigations into the criminal aspects are completed?
Ukrainian Nazi is analogous to moderate jihadi
they are on our side. but American Conservatives are still far right wingers.
trying to get my head around this lawsuit.
"how do you introduce evidence?" - Q
is this how? since the government won't act.
is there a path from this to 11.3? mil?
human trafficking in Serbia? orphans etc.?
caption contest for category:
"best performance as a Jewish banana Republic Tin God dick tater extortionist con man in a foreign Mockingbird Mockumentary"
or some shit
it would have been much worse
if he hadn't double-vaxxed and boosted
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