Say, your enemies my enemies?
Put some clothes on
I know. Fuck.
You better recognize because I'm tick tock famous. Somebody sold out for a superbowl. It wasn't me. Glad he's happy though.
After a girl busts her nut, and she said stop. I felt that.
You still don't like that I'm more real than you. Be honest.
White ass nigger thinks he's Jesus. I blame the militaryโฆ. in Canada.
You don't have a sister hot enough in the universe.
All my sauce is archived offline. Can't wait for trial.
We work.
Dewwww yewwww?
I don't care who is watching. I'll take a guard cat over a dog outside blackstone every single time.
You guys remember when kid rock was cool?
388K views can't be wrong over 7 years.
How is family these days?
Niggas think they uncancelable because I respect their hustle.
Oh, somebody cares more now. Weird.
Jk homie. I do love your shit. Like.. I'm picking your poop up I love it so much.
Seems low.
Awwwโฆ you done it now mmmmmkay?
Excuse me while I rub one out.
Ukraine owns China. Change my mind.
Here's what I want. I want all my money back, and they can keep what they've made from it so long as they pay the 8% interest from the forced loan. I also don't care if they lost money. It's 8%.
I will also never concede the power God has granted me. Understand?
China will also leave Taiwan the fuck alone in this deal.
Russia must (slowly if nessicary) pull out of Ukraine. Don't want to get that bitch pregnant, I promise you.
Jew kusj gets to keep his deal in the middle east. Give him a pulitzer or whatever for it, but the Iran deal and I WON 12:34 deal gets funded as well. Like it or die.
Sure. Have fun with your headlines. Like I told Judah, I make moves.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
I'm not worried at all about what you may or may not do.
Domestically, of course.
Can you draw one without raising your pen from the paper?
Spiral out is one way.
They wish.
I understand it's only mine to break. Only when you understand that may I be charitable.