probably the gayest post I have ever read on /qresearch/
>What the fuck does that even mean?
>notetakers have pissed off too
do you even realize what a "baker" is?
notetaking is ONE of the bakers responsibilities
haveing a seperate note taker is literally short-bus baking
>Shit happens in the gulch.
and sometimes even the bees kek
but we can save that story for a rainy day
>temple os - under 200000 lines of code
>no room for satan
as an anon who does not know how to code
I crown you the winner of this reply chain
congradulations anon
till next bread
shes hawt
needs moar ginger mound
I kek'd
dindu nuthin
>trying to tell your grandchildren that ginger mound is the only reason they still have a constitutional republic
>what are WE going to do about it
something super violent?
"at the capitol"
sounds legit
sign me up
roger that Vasily