sucks when you are right when you dont want to be
here is some ugly fucking shit you gotta see its not hard to see what should not be and this should not be like it is but it do :/
one phrase has shitton of possibles we call those anagrams but people arent really aware of them they float in the background. they are formed when people write without full stops[.]periods between each fuckery occurs like this
operation warp speed transforms into||| we are poison trapped|||power period peasant|||worse point appeared|||worse appear pointed||| see down appropriate a to period newspaper I to was open prepared
new does appropriate to in powers appeared a in are power stopped
are powers appointed is not power appeared a in were part opposed
into powers appeared I to weapons prepared to are and pipes power
on weeds appropriate to new period appears a it was proper opened
worse point appeared to we prison appeared a is two open prepared
now seed appropriate so we end appropriate a to new papers period
see now appropriated on it powers appeared to is are open wrapped
were papers adoption to is weapon prepared a in was pope reported
new dose appropriate we not period appears it or was paper opened
we nodes appropriate do were point appears to are and pipe powers
we posed preparation in we troops appeared to as new paper period
power period peasant on its power appeared I to are power snapped
own seed appropriate I two person appeared a we not papers period
see own appropriated I not powers appeared a so we point prepared
we appeared portions a we options prepared a a now proper despite
do sweep preparation or we points appeared in we are part opposed
on Swede appropriate to in appears powered to is now per appeared
no weeds appropriate in area power stopped to is end power appear
we done appropriates a were paint proposed to on were paid papers
we ones appropriated do were appear points to an we papers period
paper wooden parties no it powers appeared I one was top prepared
into appears powered as we option prepared a do were point papers
ears power appointed to news appear period a do were paper points
on sewed appropriate to new appear periods a is part power opened
worse appear pointed or now appear despite a a spent power period
open wrote disappear so we period apparent a a one power stripped
wore points appeared it done power appears as we not paper period
note power disappear no its power appeared in or we stop appeared
end owes appropriate to wide appear person to are now said pepper
open power disparate at were pain proposed I an are power stopped
we nosed appropriate I does power apparent a is one power trapped
we nose appropriated a we painter proposed a to news paper period
and it goes o na while full of bad shitty phrases from the original bad shitty phrase
see anything yet?