These nice reminders of a life past hurt like hell.
Holes the size of a half-dollar, move and leave scars. It's my body and I'm freaked out how this could be happening.
One remote possibility and Occam's razor of sorts, DNA caused it. The funny thing is I think that could be programmed. Anyway, it's a WAG until I learn otherwise. As a matter of fact, these entire 4.5 years have been a Wild Ass Guess.
You should right a song "still clueless after all these years".
This is pretty much Westworld I've gathered. Delos was he bad or good? Did his love create or destroy what he built?
Of course, this post isn't for public consumption. Pls filter the bits.
Off to play handyman. The shower is leaking, first-world problems. Of course this too will remain unanswered as well. Perhaps no one really knows, except me and I've forgotten.
Love your neighbor for approximately 30 min and let cool.