We'll need a lot of pain there, as well. Especially for him.
Ever seen him in "The Name of the Rose" with Sean Connery? Perhaps something medieval.
We'll need a lot of pain there, as well. Especially for him.
Ever seen him in "The Name of the Rose" with Sean Connery? Perhaps something medieval.
wikipedia and Mother Jones? AYFKM?? Kek
Where's his hand??
The Ukranians say Russia bombed it!! Big difference!
The Ukranians saying it is the diference, numbnuts!
You really believe those nazi faggots?
Uh…Cuz he is!
Are you retarded or just being obtuse.
Blasted/bombed doesn't matter.
Ukraine is a bunch of drama queen, fake video game footage liars.
Whatever they say, the Truth is opposite.
Fuckin Ukraine nazis been doing all the destructive shit themselves
Cuz his damn mask is sniff-proof!
Uh, because they are insane fuckin nazis up to their eyeballs in Biden BS? They been bombing their own tanks and citizens? Why not this? They are nihilist fucks!
And just watch for the evidence they bring of the criminal NY politicians and legal officials!
We called 'em cockroaches.
God damn them all to Hell!!!
Holy shit! Think mirror! Opposite world.
We don't read Real Raw News because it is real. We read it because it is fun!
Who is also big fun! Now who do we know like that?