Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:13 a.m. No.15949292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9317 >>9331 >>9375 >>9422 >>9443 >>9471 >>9516 >>9570 >>9586 >>9794 >>9901 >>9951 >>9986

Scientists Currently Developing Controversial “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated


Groups of scientists are currently developing ‘self-spreading vaccines’ that could infect others from vaccinated to unvaccinated people or between vaccinated to unvaccinated animals, according to National Geographic.


The experiment was designed to spread the vaccine to unvaccinated people in vaccinated person’s close proximity.


“The idea is that instead of a vaccine staying in one person’s body, the vaccine itself would infect them in such a way that they could pass on vaccination to others around them, much as they would otherwise pass on a disease. Scientists could vaccinate one person or animal in a community, and the vaccination would spread to those around them,” per Newsbreak.


According to the report, scientists are currently developing ‘contagious vaccines’ for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats.


The scientists are also planning to expand their studies to other zoonotic diseases including rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.


The vaccines use cytomegalovirus (CMVs), a group that belongs to the herpes family. According to Mayo Clinic, once infected with the virus, your body retains the virus for life.


“CMV spreads from person to person through body fluids, such as blood, saliva, urine, semen, and breast milk. There is no cure, but there are medications that can help treat the symptoms.”


National Geographic reported:


Imagine a cure that’s as contagious as the disease it fights—a vaccine that could replicate in a host’s body and spread to others nearby, quickly and easily protecting a whole population from microbial attacks. That’s the goal of several teams around the world who are reviving controversial research to develop self-spreading vaccines.


Researchers are currently developing self-spreading vaccines for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats that causes upward of 300,000 infections annually in parts of West Africa. The approach could be expanded to target other zoonotic diseases, including rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.


Advocates for self-spreading vaccines say they could revolutionize public health by disrupting infectious disease spread among animals before a zoonotic spillover could occur—potentially preventing the next pandemic.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:15 a.m. No.15949300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9841

Russians pranksters banned by YouTube after request from UK government


Vovan and Lexus’ channel has been shut down for violating the platform’s community guidelines


Notorious Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, whose most recent high-profile targets were UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace and Home Secretary Priti Patel, saw their channel removed by YouTube on Saturday.


The duo shared, on social media, a message they had received from the US social media giant, citing unspecified violations of "community guidelines."


“Channels responsible for serious breaches are being removed in order to keep the platform safe for all users,” it read in Russian.


“Sadly, everything has been deleted,” Vovan confirmed to the Russian newspaper Izvestia, claiming the ban was another example of anti-Russian censorship on the part of the UK. He said the pair had already moved their content to other platforms and messenger apps.


Earlier this week, the British Defense Ministry demanded YouTube remove all videos of Wallace’s call with the pranksters, in which they had impersonated Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:16 a.m. No.15949307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9354 >>9471 >>9570 >>9794 >>9951

Democratic Congressional Candidate Quits Race to Go Fight For Ukraine, Despite Having No Ties to the Nation


Democratic congressional candidate Mark Lindquist has quit the race for Minnesota’s 7th District to go and fight for Ukraine.


Lindquist was the only Democrat in the race, meaning it is now between the Republican and Libertarian candidates.


“Due to world events, I am officially suspending my campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives until further notice,” Lindquist wrote in a Facebook post. “In order to fully concentrate on the mission at hand in Poland and Ukraine, this is the best thing for me right now. I simply feel like this is where I’m needed most.”


The former candidate told the Daily Caller that he has no personal ties to Ukraine.


“I will conduct humanitarian missions at the border and if they eventually let me in the Territorial Defense, that’s where I’ll take my orders from,” Lindquist’s Facebook announcement continued. “If you ask me what will happen with my political aspirations in the future, I don’t have a good answer for that. I don’t know what will happen. I’m headed into a war zone, and nobody knows what is going to happen next. The least of my concerns right now is American politics… Some people might disagree with that and that’s OK. You do you, I’ll do me.”


Lindquist served in the military for six years and was deployed to Afghanistan.


The Daily Caller reports:


He had worked on his campaign for two years, “but then we found ourselves on the brink of World War III. Sometimes you have to drop everything and go,” he said. “Sometimes you don’t get to do what you want to do when you want to do it,” he continued.


“I’m quite certain the United States of America will still be here next year,” he said, adding that he doesn’t know if we can say the same thing about Ukraine.


Lindquist is now asking people to Venmo him money for his “aid fund” or his GoFundMe, which has raised nearly $4,000.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:18 a.m. No.15949324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9447 >>9471 >>9570 >>9704 >>9721 >>9794 >>9951

“Tell Her I Want to Take Her Home” – Biden Creeps on Young Ukrainian Refugee in Warsaw


He just can’t help himself.


Joe Biden visited Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw on Saturday and he creeped on the young women and children.


While in Poland on Saturday, Biden told a Ukrainian refugee girl at the PGE Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw that he “loves” her and remarked about her “beautiful eyes.”


Joe Biden also picked up a little girl, took a selfie with her and told her he wants to take her home.


“I don’t speak Ukrainian, but tell her I want to take her home,” Biden said before kissing the little girl.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:21 a.m. No.15949337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9348 >>9349 >>9390 >>9418 >>9471 >>9473 >>9570 >>9794 >>9951

Biden Says "Butcher" Putin "Cannot Remain In Power" In Call For Regime Change In Russia


Update(1410ET): President Biden during his important address on Ukraine from Warsaw, Poland just issued his strongest words thus far since the start of the conflict aimed directly at Putin:


"For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power," Biden said at the end of the speech.


Biden also at one point called out Putin as a "butcher" on the sidelines of the speech when questioned by a reporter, and additionally hailed what he called the "strategic failure" of Russia to reach its military objectives since the Feb.24 invasion.


"Let there be no doubt that this war has already been a strategic failure for Russia," Biden said in the speech at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.


He also stipulated that ordinary Russians are "not our enemy" - but that the West's far reaching sanctions which are isolating the Russian economy and population should be blamed only on Putin.


“It’s Vladimir Putin who is to blame,” Biden said, and warned the Russian forces must not move even an "inch of NATO territory." The US president said, "Today, Russia has strangled democracy" and

"We need to steel ourselves for a long fight ahead.


Given the Kremlin days ago already warned it's on the brink of cutting off all diplomatic relations with Washington after Biden referred over a week ago to Putin as a "murderous dictator" and "thug" - Biden's fresh words could be the tipping point for the severing of official relations, leading toward continued dangerous escalation between NATO and Moscow.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:23 a.m. No.15949356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9471 >>9570 >>9794 >>9951

"Fuel Leak" Fears Emerge As Massive Evergreen Container Ship Stuck In Chesapeake Bay


A massive 1,100-foot-long container ship has been stuck in the Chesapeake Bay for two weeks as fears increase an oil spill could materialize as salvage crews work to free it from the mud, according to local news WTOP.


Doug Myers, a researcher with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, an advocacy group focused on improving water conditions in the Bay, said the container ship "Ever Forward," sailing under the Hong Kong flag for the Evergreen Marine Corp., is "so far aground that about 20 feet of the ship is buried in mud."


"That has a tendency to put stress on the hull, and even though it's not carrying oil, a ship that big would have large amounts of fuel," Myers said.


He warned: "Until the ship is freed, we're concerned that the stress could rupture the hull and cause a fuel leak."


On March 13, the Ever Forward departed from Baltimore for Norfolk when it ran aground outside the shipping channel just north of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:28 a.m. No.15949393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9409 >>9508 >>9706

Beau Biden Foundation rakes in millions, spends fraction on kid programs


The Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children raked in $3.9 million in 2020, but spent only a fraction of that on its purported mission to help kids, The Post has learned.


The Delaware-based charity, which was started in honor of President Biden’s late son, got an infusion of $1.8 million from the Biden Foundation before that group shut down in 2020, according to the charities’ latest tax filings. The Biden Foundation was started by Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, to champion “progress and prosperity for American families.”


The Beau Biden charity also took in $225,000 from entities tied to a top political donor and bundler to President Biden.


Despite the $2 million-plus windfall, the organization put only $544,961 in 2020 toward its stated purpose of protecting children from abuse, according to tax filings.


The charity spent a total of $932,865 that year, with a large chunk of it going to the six-figure salaries of Biden cronies who held executive jobs at the non-profit.


Patricia Dailey Lewis, who served as Delaware deputy attorney general under late AG Beau Biden, runs the non-profit and was paid $150,660 in 2020, including a $3,500 bonus.


Joshua Alcorn, a longtime Democratic operative and consultant on both Beau Biden’s and Joe Biden’s political campaigns, served as COO and was paid $131,437. He has since stepped down.


CharityWatch, a watchdog group, says that its top-rated nonprofits generally spend at least 75 percent of their budgets on programs. In this charity’s case, just 58 percent of its spending went to its cause.


“A 58 percent program ratio does not reflect a high level of financial efficiency,” said Laurie Styron, the executive director of CharityWatch.


Biden’s troubled son, Hunter, served on the board of the Beau Biden charity in 2020 during the time The Post revealed the discovery of his infamous laptop, a device plastered with a sticker from the foundation. Biden’s daughter, Ashley, and Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden, were also on the board.


Hallie Biden is the only family member still on the board, which includes former FBI director Louis Freeh.


The group said that following Joe Biden’s 2021 inauguration, it wouldn’t take money from lobbyists or foreign donors and would release names of its major contributors on its website in a bid to increase transparency.


But the organization refused to provide a copy of its 2020 tax filing to The Post in early March. It later said the document was available on the Guidestar website.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:34 a.m. No.15949442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rotherham: Child Rape Gangs Epicentre Brands Itself ‘Children’s Capital of Culture’


Child rape gangs hotspot Rotherham is attempting to brand itself “the world’s first Children’s Capital of Culture”, attempting to distance itself from its reputation as the place where 1,400 girls were systematically groomed and raped while officials failed to act.


During the February school half-term Rotherham Council transformed its town centre into a playground “for the young community” as part of a wider festival.


This municipal government project has received £1.4 million in funding from the central government and that aims to reshape the deprived Northern town into a “cultural destination and home to a hive of creative talent” by 2025.


This push to style Rotherham a “Children’s Capital of Culture” will grate with members of the public familiar with the Jay Report which found that largely men largely of South Asian, Pakistani Muslim heritage systematically raped and groomed at least 1,400 young girls there between 1997 and 2013.


The author of the report, Professor Alexis Jay, said that “no-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years” and her “conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”


Jay uncovered horrors including “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.”


“It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered,” she continued, suggesting “the authorities involved have a great deal to answer for”.


Jay found police “effectively suppressed” reports of the crimes, supposedly because they believed the claims were “exaggerated”.


Those who attempted to blow the whistle on the scandal were also discouraged byofficers who warned them that, as the abusers were largely Southg Asian and their victims largely white, a major investigation would be “rocking the multicultural boat”.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:38 a.m. No.15949464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552

It All Comes Together: Hunter, Burisma, Kolomoisky, Zelensky and the “Children Burned Alive in Donetsk”


Is the US being drawn into WW 3 over the corruption of the Biden crime family? Burisma Holdings is owned by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, who backed the campaign of President Volodymyr Zelensky and funded the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, writes blogger Kanekoa the Great. The profound corruption of Hunter Biden and The Big Guy in Ukraine may also explain Hunter’s mysterious reference to “children burned alive in Donetsk.”


Burisma Holdings, the largest natural gas company in Ukraine, hired Hunter Biden on May 12, 2014 at a salary of $83,000 a month despite his having no experience in Ukraine or the energy sector. Coincidentally, at the same time Vice-President Joe Biden was assigned to handle Ukraine in the Obama White House. This was just three months after Victoria Nuland’s “$5 billion coup” (


Hunter Biden’s benefactor was not really the CEO of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky, Kanekoa claims, but was instead oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is Ukraine’s third-wealthiest man with an estimated fortune of $2.4 billion, and was appointed governor of Dnepropetrovsk by the new government 2014.


“A 2012 study of Burisma Holdings done in Ukraine by the AntiCorruption Action Center (AntAC), an investigative nonprofit co-funded by American billionaire George Soros and the U.S. State Department, found that the true owner of Burisma Holdings was none other than Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky”, Kanekoa writes.t Jump!" - Calls Declaration of Independence "Corny" (VIDEO)


(ANTAC was later the source of the DNC’s and Alexandra Chalupa’s Russiagate hoax.)


“The study, which was funded to dig up corruption on the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, instead found that Ihor Kolomoisky ‘managed to seize the largest reserves of natural gas in Ukraine’,” Kanekoa writes.


“In other words, Hunter Biden’s boss and benefactor at Burisma Holdings is the same Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch who also claimed the position of boss and benefactor over Volodymyr Zelensky before he became Ukraine’s president.”


Zelensky became famous portraying a president on TV sitcom “Servant of the People”, which aired on Kolomoisky’s TV network, 1+1 Media Group. In 2019, “Kolomoisky even provided security, lawyers, and vehicles for Zelensky during his campaign”, according to Kanekoa. “Kolomoisky’s bodyguard and lawyer accompanied Zelensky on the campaign trail as Zelensky was chauffeured around in a Range Rover owned by one of Kolomoisky’s companies.”


The “Pandora Papers” leaked by Soros NGOs ICIJ and OCCRP in 2021 “show that Zelensky and his partners in TV production company Kvartal 95 set up a network of offshore firms dating back to at least 2012, the year the company began making regular content for TV stations owned by Ihor Kolomoisky… The offshores were also used by Zelensky associates to purchase and own three prime properties in the center of London”, OCCRP writes.


In 2012, Zelensky’s production company “entered into a deal with Kolomoisky’s media group, which allegedly received $41 million in funds from Kolomoisky ’s Privatbank”, Kanekoa says. Kolomoisky is accused of embezzling $5.5 billion through a PrivatBank subsidiary in Cyprus, “an amount roughly equal to 5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product,” OCCRP writes.


After the 2014 Maidan Coup, the West began propping up the Ukraine government with $15 billion from the International Monetary Fund. This money vanished almost completely under mysterious circumstances, allegedly through oligarch-held banks like PrivatBank. Some of it may have even gone to the Clinton campaign, as Gateway Pundit reported.


PrivatBank was nationalized in 2016. Kolomoisky has been fighting to get it back ever since. Sponsoring a President may be a good way to get your bank back.

On March 2, 2022, Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Watford was found hanged in his mansion outside London under mysterious circumstances. Watford was involved in a fight with Kolomoisky over Privatbank since 2002.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.15949506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9512 >>9570 >>9794 >>9951 >>9991

Bombshell Report Drops Showing Mark Zuckerberg RIGGED Michigan Election to Help Biden


Mark Zuckerberg helped rig the Michigan election in 2020 as part of a Democratic plot to help Joe Biden win the presidency, according to a new bombshell report.


A nonprofit connected to Zuckerberg’s CTC gained access to absentee ballots and pushed “undesirable” public officials out of the election process. reports: Documents exclusively obtained by The Federalist through an open records request show National Vote at Home Institute CEO Amber McReynolds working with Benson to change Michigan elections policy. NVAHI shares leadership ties with the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a group that shuttled money from Zuckerberg to government election agencies ahead of the 2020 election, as The Federalist previously reported. In several instances, NVAHI and CTCL worked together to influence the 2020 election.


The documents also show that the private organization funded by Facebook tycoon Zuckerberg exists to push states to adopt mass mail-in balloting of the kind that made chaos of the 2020 election.


Mail-in ballots are proven to be significantly more susceptible to fraud, as a bipartisan federal election integrity commission chaired by former President Jimmy Carter concluded in 2005. That’s because mail-in ballots provide more opportunities to influence, obtain, and traffic in ballots.


In one recent example, during a 2017 city council election in Dallas, Texas, investigators found one person had fraudulently signed 700 mail-in ballots—more than the total vote difference between competing candidates at the time. During the 2020 election in Wisconsin, officials took part in ballot trafficking and used drop-boxes for mail-in ballots, which a judge later ruled violated state law.

Private Groups Telling Public Employees What To Do


In Michigan, this highly partisan organization directly affected voting rules, the new documents show. In the emails, McReynolds suggested that Benson use administrative rulemaking to implement a permanent absentee voting option in the state. Administrative rulemaking means making regulations based on an interpretation of the law, often yielding regulations that differ from the law’s original intent and sometimes its explicit text.


“I was thinking that you may have rule-making authority,” McReynolds wrote in an email on Feb. 5, 2019. “The language below indicates that voters have a right to vote without giving a reason, which to me has left open the possibility of permanent or election specific absentee requests. To me, this means you do not likely need a legislative change.”



Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:46 a.m. No.15949512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9565 >>9570 >>9794 >>9951



After a previous visit, the emails show, McReynolds planned to meet with Benson and several other secretaries of state at the NASS conference in Washington, D.C.


“I wanted to see if we could connect in DC [sic] during NASS,” McReynolds wrote in a Jan. 28, 2019 email. “I was hoping to spend an hour discussing a few topics.”


McReynolds also asked to meet with Benson privately in D.C. to discuss Michigan elections, and Benson agreed, the emails show.


“Perhaps you and I can chat about Michigan specifically on our own,” McReynolds said in an email on Jan. 30, 2019. “Sounds good!” Benson replied.


In February 2019, Benson took advice about absentee ballot applications from both McReynolds and Stephen Silberstein. Silberstein is a left-leaning donor connected with Democracy Alliance and National Popular Vote, according to InfluenceWatch.


“This is very helpful,” Benson said. “We will be implementing many of your suggestions.”


Shortly after their January 2019 meeting in D.C., McReynolds offered Benson and former Secretary of State Kim Wyman (R-Wash.) the position of co-chairs of NVAHI’s new Circle of Advisors, the emails show.


“I am happy to serve,” Benson replied on Feb. 19, 2019. Wyman, however, is not currently listed as a member of the group.

Benson’s Spokesman Denies Private Influence


Rollow claimed McReynolds had “limited and minimal” interactions with McReynolds.


“She was asked to join NVAHI’s circle of advisors, but her direct interactions with McReynolds have been limited and minimal,” Rollow said.


Benson joined Tiana Epps-Johnson, the founder and director of the Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life, on NVAHI’s Circle of Advisors. In 2020, CTCL funneled approximately half a billion dollars from Zuckerberg to public election agencies in 2020, as The Federalist previously reported.

Partisan Employees Running Public Elections


After officials accepted CTCL grants, NVAHI “grant mentors” sometimes gained access to absentee ballots and edged public officials out of the election process. In Wisconsin, NVAHI’s State Lead Michael-Spitzer Rubenstein—who previously worked for Democrat political campaigns—personally accessed absentee ballots, over Green Bay City Clerk Kris Teske’s objections.


Teske later resigned due to frustration over election intervention by third-party groups like CTCL and NVAHI.


“I don’t know what to do anymore. I am trying to explain the process but it isn’t heard,” Teske said. “I don’t understand how people who don’t have knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election.”


The Federalist reached out to McReynolds for comment but did not receive a response.



Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 11:54 a.m. No.15949561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9729 >>9812



Let the world decide if they have been lied to. 253 #Metabiota emails. #benotafraid #dutyhonorcountry

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:04 p.m. No.15949630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9794 >>9951

Russia threatens to stop aid entry to northern Syria


Russia has threatened to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid into north-western Syria through the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey.


The Russian deputy permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), Dmitry Polyanskiy, stated that his country: "Will not turn a blind eye to the failure of Western countries to comply with the resolution on cross-border humanitarian aid in Syria."


"The mechanism for cross-border aid ends this summer, and among the provisions of the resolution, only one is being implemented today," Polyanskiy added.


He pointed out: "It does not seem that anyone will fulfil all the other provisions, and at the same time, Damascus has proven that deliveries to Idlib across the lines of contact are completely possible."


At the same time, he denounced the West's attempts to link commitments under Resolution 2585 to political preconditions.


He considered that: "Unilateral Western sanctions are suffocating Syria, and banks and insurance companies are exaggerating their compliance with them."


He also stated: "The use of starvation as a weapon of war contravenes international humanitarian law."


Polyanskiy also called on Western countries to respect the refugees' right to return, in line with Resolution 2254, and not to turn a blind eye to the violations of Resolution 2585, which have become more egregious.


Syria's Response Coordination Group confirmed that the entry of humanitarian aid into north-western Syria through the contact lines was impossible to implement.


The team said that the UN Security Council extended the mandate for cross-border aid delivery to Syria for another six months within Resolution 2585/2021, without a new vote in the council.


Polyanskiy stressed that the humanitarian aid across the contact lines with the regime is insufficient to supply the region with humanitarian needs. He also noted the impossibility of implementing it, especially with the great obstacles that the regime and Russia place on the entry of humanitarian convoys across the contact lines and the exploitation of humanitarian aid by the regime to finance its military operations against civilians.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:11 p.m. No.15949677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9693 >>9794 >>9951

Biden quickly rehired senior officials fired by Trump for alleged security, financial lapses


"If I was a spy, where would I target? Obviously" the U.S. Agency for Global Media, Trump appointee said.


The Biden administration quickly rehired senior officials fired for serious security and financial lapses in the waning days of the Trump administration, according to documents reviewed by Just the News.


The U.S. Agency for Global Media, home to the Voice of America and funder of nonprofit broadcasters targeting Europe, Asia and the Middle East, also rehired an official who resigned shortly before his investigation was complete.


The media portrayed them as whistleblowers protecting journalistic integrity from political appointees who wanted to dictate their coverage. Official summaries of their investigations by an outside law firm, recently entered into the Congressional Record, complicate that narrative.


Many alleged violations were related to the agency's continued performance of background investigations on workers — often foreign nationals — for several years after it lost its "delegated authority" from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).


The rehired officials were also granted their security clearances during that time, investigators from McGuireWoods law firm wrote in Dec. 9, 2020 memos. McGuireWoods was the law firm retained to perform an investigation into mismanagement or worse at USAGM.


Delegated authority is rare outside the intelligence community, according to Federal News Network. When OPM actively blocked the agency from doing its own reviews in 2020 after years of warnings, a spokesperson said it was the first such action in more than 20 years.


Security problems were compounded by USAGM's heavy use of the J-1 visa program — intended for au pairs, students and other "exchange visitors" — to fill its journalistic and technical ranks. Outgoing CEO Michael Pack told his inspector general the agency was "rubber stamping" these applications and renewals when he arrived in mid-2020.


A Trump political appointee emphasized to Just the News that career adjudicators made the recommendations to dismiss the employees, based not only on McGuireWoods reviews but USAGM's internal investigations.


"If I was a spy, where would I target?" the appointee asked rhetorically: "Obviously this agency" whose allegedly deficient background checks provide easy entry to other federal agencies, thanks to reciprocity agreements on security clearances.


Pack and his team were "flooded with actual whistleblowers" when they arrived, according to the appointee: Half were too afraid of retaliation to put their claims in writing, and those who did have faced actual retaliation since the Biden transition.


It's mind-blowing how the fired senior officials "paint themselves as whistleblowers when they're not," the appointee said.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:14 p.m. No.15949707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9724 >>9794 >>9951

BOMBSHELL: Did Russia Invade Ukraine Because of the Bidens' Biolabs? Hunter's Laptop Says 'Yes'


If you thought Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” was just a collection of drug porn, buckle up. It appears as though Hunter’s emails prove he invested in and helped find millions more dollars for biolabs in Ukraine, which is one of Putin’s declared reasons for invading the nation.


FACT-O-RAMA! U.S. officials have dismissed Putin’s accusations of Biden’s funding of Ukrainian biolabs as “Russian propaganda.“


According to Vyacheslav Volodin, Russia’s State Duma speaker, the emails are solid proof that Hunter and Gropey Joe Biden are involved in Ukraine’s bioweapons research.


“US President Joe Biden himself is involved in the creation of bio laboratories in Ukraine. An investment fund run by his sun [sic] Hunter Biden funded research and the implementation of the United States’ military biological program. It is obvious that Joe Biden, as his father and the head of state, was aware of that activity,” Volodin declared in a statement.


Volodin also openly accused George Soros of helping to fund the biolabs.


He stresses that involved in the same program was the fund of the ‘notorious mastermind of color revolutions, George Soros, who openly calls for changing government in our country.


Here are the details, and remember also that then-Vice President Joe Biden was in charge of relations with Ukraine at the time all of this was happening:


Hunter Biden was a partner in a company called Rosemont Seneca.

Rosemont Seneca invested $500,000 in a pathogen research company called Metabiota. Hunter also helped raise millions more for the company through investors.

Emails from his laptop show Hunter introduced Metabiota to his friends at Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which was paying Hunter $50 thousand per month as a “board member.”

The money was used for a “science project” involving biolabs in Ukraine.


Now we know why Burisma was paying all that cheddar to Hunter: he was bringing them money for their biolabs. Hunter’s own emails prove it.


The vice president of Metabiota, Mary Guttieri, emailed Hunter in 2014 after Russia invaded Crimea and wrote the following:


As promised, I’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.


Burisma bigwig Vadym Pozharskyi emailed Hunter about the “science project.”


“As I understand the Metabiota was a subcontract to principal contactor of the DoD [Department of Defense] B&V [an engineering firm called Black & Veatch]. What kind of partnership Metabiota is looking for in Ukraine?”


Shortly thereafter the U.S. gave Metabiota $23.9 million, and $307,091 was set aside for “Ukrainian research projects.”


Related: While You Go Broke Filling Your Gas Tank, Remember That Joe Biden Made Bank in Energy Deals With China


Sounds fishy, right? Former CIA officer Sam Faddis thought so, too.


“His father was the vice president of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine. So why was Hunter not only on the board of a suspect Ukrainian gas firm,” Faddis rhetorically asked reporters, “but also hooked them up with a company working on bioweapons research?


Copies of the related emails can be seen here.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:18 p.m. No.15949734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9794 >>9951

Former Financial Secretary-Treasurer of UAW Local 412 Pleads Guilty to Embezzling Over $2 Million in Union Funds

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:24 p.m. No.15949775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9780 >>9794 >>9951

CLIMATE LOCKDOWN: Globalists are exploiting oil price spikes to push for greater population control with "10-point plan" that includes bans on travel


Immediate actions in advanced economies can cut oil demand by 2.7 million barrels a day in the next 4 months



Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrown global commodity markets into turmoil. The global oil market – in which Russia is a major force – is one of the most heavily affected. Russia is the world’s third largest oil producer and the largest oil exporter.


Significant strains are showing in the global oil market, compounding difficulties in natural gas markets and creating a looming emergency for global energy security. Oil prices have swung violently since the Russian invasion, with the global benchmark nearing the all-time high of USD 150 per barrel at times, putting the still fragile and uneven global economic recovery at risk. The United States and Canada are banning imports of Russian oil while the United Kingdom has announced plans to do so by the end of the year. The IEA’s latest Oil Market Report on 16 March identified the potential for a shut-in of 2.5 million barrels a day of Russian oil exports starting from April; but losses could increase should restrictions or public condemnation escalate. A prolonged period of volatility for markets appears likely.


More than half of Russia’s oil exports go to Europe and around 20% go to China, but the market is global, meaning changes in supply and prices affect everyone. The increases in prices are being felt everywhere. Even if the price of oil on international markets has not so far risen as high as the all-time record reached in 2008, currency exchange rates mean that the price at the pump is at the highest level ever in some countries. On average, monthly spending on oil products for transport and heating in January and February rose by more than USD 40 per household (nearly 35%) in advanced economies, and nearly USD 20 per household (over 55%) in emerging and developing economies compared with last year’s levels. With the potential loss of large amounts of Russian supplies looming, there is a real risk that markets tighten further and oil prices escalate significantly in the coming months as the world enters the peak demand season of July and August. The risks are most acute – and already being felt in some cases – in market segments where Russia is a major supplier, such as diesel.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:27 p.m. No.15949793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9840

Minneapolis Mosques Will Be Allowed to Blast Call to Prayer on Outdoor Loud Speakers All Year Round


Minneapolis mosques will now be allowed to blast the call to prayer outdoors on loud speakers all year round.


City Council Member Jamal Osman, a very involved member of the Muslim community, was behind the push for mosques to be allowed to play the adhan several times a day, every day.


The call to prayer that will be bellowing from mosques around the city four times a day includes Arabic words like “Allahu akbar,” which means “god is great,” but is also a reminder to some of deadly terror attacks.


“For the faith of Christians in Minneapolis, the tolling of church bells is an affirmation of their faith and the comfort that brings that’s exactly the same purpose of adhan service for Muslims,” Osman told the Star Tribune. “Thousands of Muslims in Minneapolis now have their faith acknowledged the same as everyone else.”


There is one limitation however, the calls can only be played between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. — so the allowance isn’t good enough for the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations.


Muslims pray five times a day between sun rise and sun down, with each prayer lasting up to five minutes. The time restriction means that the adhan for fajr, or dawn prayer, cannot be blasted through the city.


The Tribune reports, “the time restriction violates Muslims’ constitutional rights, said a local representative of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN), a Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization. The organization said it also wants to see formal language in the council’s resolution acknowledging that mosques have the right to call for prayers.”


“The practice of religion is not constrained by the Constitution of the United States,” Mohamed Ibrahim, CAIR-MN’s deputy executive director told the Tribune. “The … right to generally practice religion supersedes the city’s ordinance.”


Osman said he is willing to fight for the dawn prayer alarms.


“If some mosques want to broadcast dawn prayers, we can advocate for that,” Osman said. “This is a moment to celebrate and a lot of people in the community are happy about this.”


The Tribune reported that “the adhan can be heard in other U.S. cities with large Muslim communities. In Detroit most calls to prayer are broadcast inside mosques. In the Detroit suburbs of Hamtramck and Dearborn, though, some broadcasts are done publicly, according to CAIR national.”


Residents of other cities where they are permitted have complained about the overwhelming noise from the calls.


There are more than 20 mosques across Minneapolis and over 150,000 Muslims.


An example of the loud call to prayer can be heard here:

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:37 p.m. No.15949869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9951

Biden Administration Set To Approve 2nd Booster Dose For Americans Over 50


As COVID 'experts' including Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Scott Gottlieb urge Americans to beware another wave of COVID driven by subvariant BA2, the Biden Administration has reportedly decided to approve a second round of booster shots for Americans over 50 - much to the delight of Moderna and Pfizer, the biggest producers of said shots


According to the NYT, the FDA could approve the next round of shots as soon as next week.


However, "major complications" have reportedly plagued the decision, leading to a lengthy delay. These complications include:


How long the protection from a second booster would last.


How to explain the plan to the public.


And even whether the overall goal is to shield Americans from severe disease or from less serious infections.


But the FDA has apparently decided to err on the side of caution, believing that, should BA2 cause a resurgence in the US (like it's doing in Western Europe and the UK), that making boosters available could potentially save lives. However, if the next wave doesn't hit until the fall - or doesn't hit at all - then the decision to authorize the shots could be criticized as a major waste of resources.


After all, as the WHO has repeatedly warned, the priority for the American-made vaccines should be to distribute them across the developing world, to guard against the possibility of a more virulent mutation emerging in an area with far lower vaccination rates than the US. The BA2 subvariant is driving another wave o cases in Europe, but so far, it's believed to only be responsible for roughly one-third of new cases in the US.

Anonymous ID: eedf23 March 26, 2022, 12:44 p.m. No.15949911   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Biden said Putin "cannot remain in power," the White House walks back remarks.


"The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia or regime change."