Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:41 p.m. No.15950580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0592 >>0664 >>0745 >>0815

Democrat Lawyers Object to Durham Asking Potential Jurors if They Have Links to Hillary Clinton’s Promotion of Russian Collusion Hoax


Special Prosecutor John Durham wants to ask potential jurors if they have any links to Hillary Clinton’s promotion of the Russian collusion hoax.


Recall, Hillary Clinton hatched the Trump-Russia plot in 2016 to distract from her emails transmitted over a private server while she was the head of the Department of State.


John Durham wants to know about any links to Hillary Clinton’s promotion of the Russian collusion canard in a questionnaire to potential jurors.


Attorneys for Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann however are objecting to the question.


The Washington Examiner reported:


The legal team for indicted Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann doesn’t like special counsel John Durham’s proposal to ask potential jurors in an upcoming trial if they have any links to groups that looked into what he describes as the Hillary Clinton campaign’s promotion of “the Trump/Russia collusion narrative.”


A filing in federal court Friday said both Durham’s team and Sussmann’s lawyers were in agreement about a questionnaire asking potential jurors if “you, any family member, or close personal friend participated or had any connection with any other government agency, group, organization, committee or subcommittee, public or private group or organization, including any media group or organization that has investigated or made inquiry into” either “Russian interference with the 2016 election” or “the federal government’s investigation of Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia.”


But Sussmann’s team said it objected to the Durham prosecution request to ask the jury pool the same question related to any links to groups that have looked at or been tied to “the Clinton Campaign and/or the Democratic National Committee’s promotion of the Trump/Russia collusion narrative.”


Earlier this week President Trump filed a federal RICO lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, the DNC and several Democrats over the Russia collusion canard.


“In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts orchestrated an unthinkable plot — one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s democracy,” Trump’s lawyers argued. “Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.”

Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:42 p.m. No.15950592   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:45 p.m. No.15950621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Calls For Clinton-Appointed Judge to Be Recused From His Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton and the DNC


Former President Donald Trump is calling for the Clinton-appointed judge to be recused from his lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and nearly 50 others for sabotaging his presidency.


Trump discussed the lawsuit during an interview with BlazeTV host Glenn Beck.


The accusations in the 108 page complaint include, but are not limited to, RICO conspiracy, injurious falsehood, conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood, malicious prosecution, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act violations, and theft of trade secrets.


“It was totally corrupt what they did,” Trump said.


The Blaze reports that “the lawsuit will be heard by U.S. District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks, who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton. In 2015, Middlebrooks threw out a civil racketeering suit filed against Hillary Clinton that claimed she had used her private email server and position as secretary of state to promise changes in U.S. foreign policy in exchange for speaking fees and donations to the Clinton Foundation.”


Trump told Beck that this is a conflict of interest and that Middlebrooks must recuse himself immediately.


“We have a judge that was appointed by Bill Clinton. And who knows Hillary Clinton very well. And we’re suing Hillary Clinton,” Trump said.


“Now, the problem we have, though, is if you have a judge that’s going to throw out the case, and you have to go through appeals. Yep, I think you have a great appeals section. But we’ll see. So we’ll probably ask for a recusal. Maybe a change of venue. But not a change as much as a recusal,” he added.


Trump is seeking $72 million in damages in the lawsuit.

Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:47 p.m. No.15950639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0664 >>0745 >>0815

CDC, Other Health Agencies Won’t Provide Employee Vaccination Data From 2022


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and three other top federal health agencies are refusing to provide employee COVID-19 vaccination data for 2022.


The CDC and the other agencies, including the one that is forcing virtually all health care workers to get a vaccine, say their most current employee vaccination data is from Dec. 3, 2021.


The Epoch Times asked the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), through media requests and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, to provide vaccination data current through March 2022, including the number of unvaccinated workers and the number of workers who received an exemption to President Joe Biden’s federal worker mandate, which is blocked by courts as of January.


The CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccination for virtually all Americans 5 and older. Its guidance has been used to justify mandates across the country, including on the federal level.


An official at the agency, which has 12,045 employees, pointed to the December 2021 figures. At that time, 96.4 percent of the CDC’s employees had gotten vaccinated and another 3.2 percent were in compliance with the mandate, or had pending or approved exemption requests.


“Please note that this is the most recent and most complete data available and some data elements that you requested are not available,” Roger Andoh, the CDC’s FOIA officer, told The Epoch Times in an email.


The CDC’s FOIA public liaison, Bruno Viana, did not return a voicemail. The CDC’s media office did not respond to a request for the information.


An appeal questioning whether the CDC properly responded to the FOIA request was lodged and is pending.


Several senators tried getting vaccination figures in November 2021 when CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testified on Capitol Hill before the Senate Committee on Health, Education Labor & Pensions. Walensky twice dodged questions about the matter.


“It’s been two years, and federal agencies and employees are still not back to work. The CDC refuses to be transparent. It is past time for the government to reopen and start serving Americans again,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a member of the panel and a doctor, told The Epoch Times via email after reviewing the FOIA response.


The other three agencies, also part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also declined to provide figures current from this year or list how many exemption requests were approved.


The FDA, which authorized the COVID-19 vaccines, pointed to the same press release in response to a FOIA request. “We do not have more recent information,” Sarah Kotler, director of the administration’s Division of Freedom of Information, told The Epoch Times in an email. She said the agency “stopped collecting the information” after the latest update but declined to say why, directing queries to the FDA’s media office. That office, in turn, referred queries to the White House Office of Budget and Management, which did not respond to a request for comment.


A CMS spokesperson, meanwhile, pointed to a different release, issued Dec. 9, 2021, which said approximately 97.1 percent of HHS employees had gotten at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine while another 2.5 percent had a pending or approved exemption but didn’t provide updated data for offices within HHS.


The spokesperson for the centers, which is in charge of one of the few federal mandates that haven’t been blocked by courts, said the information is “the latest publicly available data.”

Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:52 p.m. No.15950674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0815

Blinken lands in Israel ahead of Negev Summit with Lapid, Arab FMs


Countries plan show of regional unity aimed at Iran; seeking informal atmosphere, top diplomats from UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and likely Egypt will gather in Sde Boker


Foreign Minister Yair Lapid will head down to Sde Boker in the Negev desert Sunday to host US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and foreign ministers from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco.


Blinken landed in Israel on Saturday night ahead of the conference.


Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is expected to attend the “Negev Summit” as well, joining the countries that signed the US-brokered agreements known as the Abraham Accords in 2020.


The summit, which will take place at the Isrotel Kedma, will begin Sunday afternoon. The senior diplomats are slated to dine together at the hotel on Sunday evening.


The goal is for a less formal atmosphere than typical meetings between senior officials, according to a diplomatic source, referencing the US Camp David presidential retreat.


On Monday, the foreign ministers will hold bilateral working meetings and will give statements to the press afterward.


The gathering is a “Lapid-led initiative,” a diplomatic source with knowledge of the preparations for the summit told The Times of Israel. “Obviously the secretary being in Israel was the trigger.”


Cabal summit - flags + tree of life and all

Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:55 p.m. No.15950698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0815

X22Report - Gen. Michael Flynn & Clay Clark - Arrogance & Selfishness Will Be the Downfall of the Deep State! Patriots Are Winning! - Video

Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 2:59 p.m. No.15950735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0815

White House to seek $813.3 billion national security budget


President Joe Biden plans to request $813.3 billion in national security spending — including $773 billion for the Pentagon — in the federal budget he will send to Congress on Monday, according to officials familiar with the plan.


It’s an increase of $31 billion, or 4%, from approved spending for the current fiscal year and about $43 billion more than the White House budget office had projected a year ago for fiscal 2023.


The full national security budget includes spending for the Defense Department, the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons and the FBI’s national security functions. The officials familiar with the budget plan asked not to be identified before its release.


The budget reflects the increasing military challenge from China and the development of costly new defense systems — from upgrading the nation’s aging nuclear arsenal to development of new hypersonic weapons. It was completed with an expectation that Russia was likely to invade Ukraine and some defense spending was shifted accordingly. Support in Congress is likely to be buoyed by the added challenge of confronting Russia.


The request will include $130.1 billion for research and development — the Pentagon’s largest-ever request in that category — that will be steered to categories such as accelerated research into hypersonics and artificial intelligence. That’s about $15.6 billion more than the budget office had projected last year.


A White House official who was granted anonymity to discuss the spending plan, said it marked one of the biggest national security investments in American history that would strengthen U.S. allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific and provide assistance to Ukraine.


The administration requested $145.9 billion for procurement, about $9.4 billion more than projected last year. Among items on the to-buy list: 61 F-35 jet fighters from Lockheed Martin Corp., fewer than previously planned, as well as initial procurement of the B-21 bomber from Northrop Grumman Corp. and two Virginia-class submarines from General Dynamics Corp. and Huntington Ingalls Industries Corp.


The budget request will also call for as much as $548 million in improvements to the nuclear submarine industrial base.


The national security request typically constitutes about half of the entire discretionary federal budget that’s approved by Congress. The White House has yet to release either its National Security Strategy or the Pentagon-generated National Defense Strategy that are supposed to outline the strategic rationale for the spending.


Biden signed into law $782 billion for national defense activities in the current year, a $32.5 billion increase over fiscal 2021 levels. Out of that the Pentagon’s discretionary spending slice is $728.5 billion.


There’s continued willingness both among Republicans and some key Democrats to increase defense spending. Republican members of the House and Senate Armed Services panels — led by Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama and Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma—have been pressing Biden to request a national security budget for 2023 that would account for inflation plus an additional 5% over the $782 billion enacted for this year.


Inflation most immediately eats into fuel and military pay and benefits, and less immediately into weapons procurement contracts.

Anonymous ID: 0beeb4 March 26, 2022, 3:12 p.m. No.15950841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Kalibr Missiles Flying To West: Ukrainian Lviv Under Fire (Videos)


In the last days, Russian cruise missiles hit several oil depots and military facilities in Western regions of Ukraine. Air alert in all regions of Western Ukraine.


On March 25, at least three Russian missiles hit the city of Lviv. An oil depot located on Plastovaya Street and military facility were seriously damaged by the strikes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


According to the mayor, there were no victims as a result of the strikes. No civilian infrastructure was damaged.