Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 1:09 p.m. No.15950048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0055 >>0059 >>0074 >>0089 >>0099 >>0100 >>0406 >>0504

I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, these special moments that are upon you now, as all of life is awakening around you.


All of life is moving more and more into the higher vibrational frequency as life and energy continues to flood into the planet from the cosmic source. And yes, indeed, the fifth-dimensional sun is expressing through now more and more.


Up until recently, we and our ships have been holding this energy back so that it would not come too quickly into the planet, would not interfere with your central nervous systems, as they were not quite ready for this. But more and more now, this is being allowed to come through.


And as such, everything is coming down around the third-dimensional illusion. The house of cards is collapsing rapidly more and more now.


And those that have been in the shadows, those that have held the truth back from the population of this planet, are now being forced to bring this information forward now, even though they do not want to. They cannot hold it back. For they believe that they have to bring this information forward in order to stay in control. They have been tricked in this way.


For as this information comes forward throughout your internet and your many sources of media, the truth is coming forward. And as the truth comes forward, those that have attempted to hold it back are falling and failing rapidly.


Those of us in our ships that have been watching over this entire plan, helping it here and there wherever we could, wherever we were allowed to. More and more we are being allowed to give more and more assistance where it is needed, where it is called for, where it is asked to come forward.


We, of course cannot do it alone. You are our Boots on the Ground. You are the ones that are calling this energy forth, bringing it to you, bringing the truth forward in any way that you can.


And, as you have heard many times, this cannot be stopped, no matter what those of the dark forces attempt to do, those of the cabal, the Illuminati, the deep state, whatever you wish to call them.


They are no longer in control. Within the illusion, they appear to be in control. But they are not. Because the illusion of the third-dimensional matrix is just that, an illusion. The reality is coming forward more and more.


And those of the forces of light are many steps ahead of those of the forces of darkness. Many steps ahead, so that they can see what is coming, even before they put that plan into action. And as they [the dark forces] attempt to bring total chaos to the planet, the chaos that they then intended to bring order after, they are not able to do that any longer. Yes, they can provide the chaos. But they are not the ones to bring the order: you are. You, all of you, the Alliance, the White Hats, all of us working with those forces here on the planet: we are all bringing this about, bringing the end of the chaos.


And the chaos is coming to an end. First there shall be more chaos, though. More seeming chaos, I will say. For those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, it is not chaos. It is simply the falling of the veil, the falling of the illusion more and more.


And you all are in place now, just as you intended to be many, many thousands and thousands of years ago when you volunteered to be here, you are in place now, exactly where you need to be.


And more and more of you will feel the call now, feel the call that is reaching out to you to move you ahead upon your mission, whatever that might be. However you feel that you can contribute, now is the time to do so. Find it within your heart, within your high heart. Listen to the call from your Higher Self who is now not only whispering, but is beginning to shout more and more to you.


Listen to those whispers, and listen to those shouts, for it is all up to you, the collective you, as to how this will continue to play out. But play out, it shall.


Know that as indeed one of yours said earlier on your call, you have the power, each and every one of you has the power within you to blow this system wide open, to be those System Busters that you came here to be. So do it. Just simply do it. Whatever that might take, do it.


I am Ashtar. I so appreciate these times that I can be here to share with you, and to give you just a glimpse here and there, as you read between the lines, that myself and many of us as we bring these messages to you, what you call "little hints here and there." For there are always those messages within the messages for you to decipher and for you to discern.


All of my peace and love be with all of you.


Go forward now and be those ones that you came here to be, those System Busters. For this system must fully come down before the new can arise from

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 1:21 p.m. No.15950105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0139



Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning - forever.


Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You're aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel. This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish - until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!


I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. "Kryon, what are you talking about. You've got to have batteries." Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time - forever! Not only are there no batteries in the future, but no charging anything. Every electronic thing you have has its own tiny, spinning generator built-in.


"Kryon, how big can this wheel be?" Well, let's think: Everything I have said can be enlarged. So, instead of a battery in an electric car, there is a larger spinning electric engine underneath, always supplying electricity to what we will now call super capacitance (something we have only briefly discussed). You will always have enough electricity to go for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles without ever stopping. And even while you sleep, electricity is still being generated to the "super cap." It never stops.


"Kryon, I still don't understand how all this is going to change the entire planet."


Dear ones, I'm talking about individual power for every single building that exists on the planet - without being connected to any grid. NO WIRES AND NO OUTSIDE SOURCE. No weather pattern will ever shut down a city again or cause those to die because they can't get electricity - because it's right outside in a little spinning motor that never stops and always is running, to power whatever is needed. magnetics is the answer. It's free, instant, and mobile electricity for all.


Every continent on this planet could have as much electricity as they wanted or needed to instantly power villages, hospitals, communications, teaching through the internet, and more. The internet would work, no matter what. Can you imagine when everybody could talk to everybody? Cultures and continents would start healing themselves and would finally start to be educated.


All of this can happen from one undiscovered pattern - a magnetic array. Putting those magnets together so they will push and pull in a way that they will spin forever, can be customizable to any size - miniaturized or massive. They can power ships and cars - and they go forever. There is no resource that is easier and safer to use to power this planet than magnetics. No natural resources are burned, no pollution, and entirely safe.

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 1:53 p.m. No.15950280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0357 >>0557 >>0568 >>0601 >>0628 >>0867

Do you know why Q said "you are ready"? Post 3717

You have had thousands of lives, you have busted many of the dark ones systems of control.

There are many thousands of you, an elite group.

This is what you do.

You are called System Busters.

You are elite galactic special forces.

You are dropped onto a planet (incarnated) memory totally wiped under the veil and then slowly awake and begin demolishing and exposing their evil.

Collectively raising the frequency of the planet out of the low dark vibrations.

When people are vibrating at higher frequency they start resonating with the truth and not locked into the lies of the dark ones anymore.

You are bringing the light, bringing the pain collectively.

This is your life mission.

You were truly chosen for a reason.

This is what you do,

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 2:10 p.m. No.15950370   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You guys got wrecked and the anons did not even know who / what they are.

Pretty astounding if you ask me.

System of control is done from a few memes?

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 2:35 p.m. No.15950545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0570 >>0587

Negative ET's have secretly ruled earth for thousands of years using the Draco pyramid power control structure. Most thought the Illuminati was at the top however they just take orders from the negative ETs. Only the top Illuminati member meets with the Draco's.


The "Pindar" is selected from the 13 family's and is their representative.


The negative ETs have fooled us for millennia in so many ways. They make movies that depict alien invasions as always negative aliens that will come destroy us so that we are programmed to think that way.


If positive ET's want to come to earth and help us, they will be portrayed as invaders.

The negative ETs will order their world leaders to attack them and we would all join in not knowing any better. The mocking bird media would push it hard.


The negative ETs would laugh their asses off as we fought the positive ET's.


So what do you do?

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 2:40 p.m. No.15950568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You are dropped onto a planet (incarnated) memory totally wiped under the veil and then slowly awake and begin demolishing and exposing their evil.


"Infiltration not invasion"

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 2:51 p.m. No.15950670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0683


I had to most insane synchronicity episode of my life.

I tried meditating and for the first time ever started thanking my angels and guides for all they have done and the fact that they have gotten no recognition from me at all.

I asked them to keep the synchronicities coming, that it helped me believe.

I immediately looked up and the clock was 5:55

Anonymous ID: 2827b3 March 26, 2022, 3:11 p.m. No.15950833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KaRa of the Pleiades: You Are System Busters


I am KaRa. I come at this time as the Pleiadian Emissary to this planet, to this collective consciousness of man. I am here to follow up on your earlier discussion as 'system busters.'


And what makes you system busters? You already know, each one of you, deep within you, that you already are that. You know that you are here for a reason. You know that you are here for a purpose. A mission, and a fulfillment of promise. A promise given long, long ago. And here you are now as those system busters to bust yet another system wide open, as you have done many times before, in many different systems, different galaxies, different planets, perhaps even different universes. But here you are, at the culmination of this particular system.


This system that is no longer functioning, no longer working for the benefit of collective consciousness of man. It cannot. It has fulfilled its purpose, this illusion. This third-dimensional illusion, that you are still finding yourself in at times, has fulfilled its purpose. It is no longer needed.


You must come to understand and realize that, that you are both a part of this illusion, and not a part of this illusion. You are a part of it as much as you want to be. But you also can be separate from it as much as you want to be as well. For it does not hold you unless you let it hold you to it.


Now you all know that you have been lied to for eons of time here within this illusion. But deep down within you, you all knew the deeper truths, and that one day these truths would be revealed, as they are now being revealed. Because those within the shadows can no longer be within the shadows. They are bringing the truth forward, even though they don't want to do that. But they are finding they must bring forth the truth. And they are doing it in very much ridiculous ways, just enough for those that are yet unawakened to begin to awaken. To begin to awaken to what we call, and many of you call, 'the nonsense' that is doing on. For it is indeed that. But know that it has a purpose. All of this.


All of your life here has a purpose. And those of you that have said and are still saying "I want out!" You are not ready to leave this yet. You are not finished with your mission, or missions. It is still a part of you, and you must come to understand that fully that you must see this through to the end. You are not ones that are ready to leave your physical bodies. You are the ones that are meant to see this through, and take your physical body with you through it, to make your way through the ascension. To be in that first wave of ascension, which is rapidly approaching.


But it will only happen as all of you are ready to make it happen. You are the ones that are calling The Event to you. The Great Change-Over. You are the ones that are doing that. And the more you call for it, the more you see the illusion for what it is, the more you refuse to be a part of that illusion, to not comply, as you have heard many times. To not be a part of the system other than where you can bust the system open and create your own system. And that is what you are all in the process of doing. Every time you say "No!" you are creating a new system. You are adding to the collective consciousness of man and raising that consciousness. Raising the vibrational frequency here on the planet. Every single time you say "No, I will not comply! I will not go along! I will not be a part of this system any longer!" Every single time you've had that thought, even if you don't announce that thought, every time you have that thought, that thought goes into the collective consciousness of man. It goes into the universal mind. Every single thought and word that you speak. So remember that. Remember the thoughts and the words that you speak out are a part of the greater collective consciousness and become a part of that, and are there now. Those words, those thoughts are there now for anyone that is yet still unawakened to begin to awaken. Because they take those thoughts into themselves. And it helps them to remember themselves why they may be here.

