Aaron Carter
Life is such a valuable learning lesson, IF you always it to be that. With that being said, this is my body and this tattoo by @tattoo_mike_13 is to commemorate the passing of of my sister Leslie Barbara Carter.. she was an amazing my mother and was nothing more than someone I admired. I always wanted to make her proud. Leslie I know your in paradise. I do feel you inside. The things you taught me and your favorite color being blue you were a Gemini and you were fearless. And yes. This is a coverup but I will Laos not allow my face to be withone who clearly hasn’t show she loves me it’s good. My heart heals fast. Anyways. Lol 4 tattoos on my FACE in ONE SITTING “Freedom” “Karma” my butterfly 🦋 But most important MY BABY BOY “PRINCE” under my RIGHT EYES! Have a guess day. Xo