Me right now…
One of my children's pediatricians is named Dr. Lawrence McNally, is a possibly pedo, and he protects child-abusers/molesters. Check out the symbol on his business sign, also:
Yep… AT the end of the year, as the days get shorter, the sun gets lower in the sky. Then, for 3 days, it does not move. The days do not get longer or shorter. It's like the sun is "dead". This happens right around Christmas. After 3 days, the "Sun", rises from the dead, and the days start to get longer once again.
Furthermore, As this occurs, the constellation Virgo is in the sky, and gives way to the "Southern Cross" constellation.
Astro-theology… Solar-theology… Psychological-allegory… Literal-translation… Mathematical-encoding… Moral-guide… Mythical/Figurative-Entertainment….
There are so many ways it can be taken, actually…
One of Ouspensky's students… Maurice Nicols,( if I'm not mistaken???), wrote a couple psychological interpretations that are pretty fascinating.
I think one should stay balanced while reading the Bible. It can suck you in.
Read Ragnar Redbeards, "Might Is Right", immediately before or after reading the Bible for balance.
We have to consider the necessity of religion, however… Especially, men like you and I.
I imagine you spent years learning this shit, as well. In a search for truth, we only learned to uncover the grandest bullshit. It sux… I get it.
Others, will never reach these conclusions. They need to believe in some omnipresent babysitter. Right and wrong, are completely subjective things. There is no objective right and wrong. Every living creature own the earth acquires what it can, by whatever means it can, with no regard for feelings, laws, or moral consequences. Apex humans allowed themselves to be muzzled, and their abilities, hand-cuffed, so that the weak and undiscerning could sit and eat at a table they set. It is the common-acceptance of moral law/code, namely religion, that keeps the strong from devouring the weak. Without some way for society to morally on the "same-page", there would be pure anarchy and madness. No agreed upon set of rules, or rights and wrongs, would be known and understood by one another.
Religion, as good, bad, and ugly, as it can be, is the glue which keeps societies from falling to pieces. I think this may be why men like Decartes said, "A little philosophy bringeth a men's minds about to Atheism. But depth in philosophy bringeth a man's mind about to religion."
Well, regarding the Constitution, it says we have certain inalienable rights, that are God given. Which is one of it's main protections. No man can take away what God hath given and such.
Personally, I think all "Judeo" references should be dropped. Jews are the most anti-Christian people on the planet. Thankfully, the New Testament reaches the same conclusion.Their morality clearly does not align with the rest of modern-society.
Yeah, I kinda agree with Hitler, on the necessity to make laws (and in my opinion religions) simple and easy to understand by the common man. I think the creators of the Abrahamic faiths, were on the right track. But they left a LOT up to interpretation, and people are crazy motherfuckers, that will take anything to mean anything. Judaism just got absolutely lit up by the Khazars, with their Talmudic-twist on the religion. I don't think it will ever recover. Especially not after the "Jewish-Nazis in Ukraine" shit. And the Muslim world never really gave a fuck about the west, unless they were aiding Jews/Israel. So… Two birds, one stone?
Yeah, religion is some heavy-dope. But, what are ya gonna do? Without something to keep societies somewhat morally on the same page, shit would be chaos. Perhaps, this is what the book of Job is getting at, when implying we need to take the good with the bad?