Stacey Abrams, Lara Hodgson, Nourish Water digz.
I'm digging on this company founded by Stacey Abrams and Lara Hodgson and it seems very sketchy. This company proved to be a springboard for Lar Hodgson to become a millionaire.
One of the addresses for the company is shared with the Hosea Williams nonprofit group. Did Stacey get government contracts for these baby water bottles?
Let us now turn our attention to the newest scam artists on the market: the Nourish company, purveyors of Nourish Baby & Toddler Water. How does the Nourish company describe itself on its Twitter page? “Spill-proof bottled water for toddlers and formula ready bottled water for babies.”
In short, the scam that has been pushed on adults is now being foisted on their unknowing babies and toddlers. How much does this scam run? Why, it’s $39.00 for a 12-pack of Nourish Baby or Toddler. A quick look at a few stores tells me that an empty BPA free sippy cup runs about five or six dollars. The good part of getting it that way is that filling it with tap water will run you about a penny for filling your sippy cup thirteen times or so.