Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.15956864   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden Had DOD Encryption Keys On His Laptop


Retired CIA Officer Sam Faddis: “In what sane world does the disgraced son of Joe Biden get access to DOD communications systems? Is this how he kept his deals with the thugs of the world out of the public eye?”


The laptop story is not about Hunter. It’s about Hunter being the bagman for a family enterprise. All these people were buying access to Joe. What did they get for their money? What are they still getting today? We need answers.”


The ongoing analysis of the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop has revealed that there are multiple Department of Defense “encryption keys” on it. These keys allow access to DOD email accounts and databases. The exact number of these keys is still unknown. There may be dozens.


The keys are known more formally as “root encryption certificates." Some of them appear to have unusually long expiration dates with many lasting twenty years or more. Such keys should not be present on a personal laptop of any kind, and there is no known reason that Hunter Biden would be in possession of them at all.


The keys were discovered only recently by Jack Maxey’s technical team working in Switzerland. Shortly after the discovery of the keys Maxey contacted the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland and reported that he had information that might compromise American national security and would like to talk to someone in the Regional Security Office to report what he had learned. His contact information was taken by the person with whom he spoke, but no one has ever called back to obtain the information in his possession.


According to information provided to Maxey, DOD is now aware of the presence of the keys on the laptop’s hard drive, has determined that the keys were still active, and has taken steps to cancel them.


An IT technical expert advising Maxey’s team has speculated that the keys present on Hunter’s laptop might have allowed Hunter to create throwaway email accounts on DOD servers and thereby route personal and business communications through those servers to escape detection. Such an arrangement would be in effect a much more sophisticated version of Hillary Clinton’s use of her “homebrew” server to evade monitoring of her communications while she was Secretary of State.


This is a developing story. We will provide updates as they become available. It bears worth emphasizing at this stage, however, that Hunter Biden’s laptop has been in the possession of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) since well before the 2020 election. If the information currently in Maxey’s possession from DOD is correct and encryption keys giving access to DOD systems were still active until Maxey and his team discovered their presence and reported them, that would seem to suggest strongly that the FBI has never bothered to investigate what is on the hard drive.

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:21 a.m. No.15956892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6898

Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs


Videos that surfaced late last night purportedly show members of the Ukrainian military shooting Russian POWs in the knees and beating them senseless.


Several correspondents from around the world have called on the International Criminal Court, which Ukraine has invited into their country, to investigate and verify these potential war crimes.


Videos allegedly showing Ukrainian soldiers shooting Russian prisoners of war in the knees have hit the internet alongside a series of clips from the Ukrainian army calling the families and loved ones of deceased Russian soldiers in order to mock their deaths. The footage embedded below is graphic and viewer discretion is advised.


While The Gateway Pundit is unable to independently verify the content of these videos, a foreign correspondent from the BBC has indicated that she reviewed the clips. “Seeing (not sharing) graphic videos from Ukraine. In accepting ICC jurisdiction, Ukraine has enabled ICC prosecutors to investigate allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity on both sides,” she tweeted. “Rhetoric from some politicians suggests focus on Russians alone.” Reporters from Sweden’s SVT and Bellingcat’s Elliot Higgins have also acknowledged the release of the videos.


Russian commentators who have been tracking the war on Telegram suggested that provoking an equally brutal response from Russia could be the true motive behind the release of these videos. On one hand, the media in the West is unlikely to promote war crimes committed by the Ukrainians, but if Russia retaliates in kind, that will surely get a significant amount of airtime.


In the videos, Russian soldiers are shown exiting a van under the guard of Ukrainian soldiers.


Some commentators have attempted to portray the videos as Russian propaganda, suggesting that the victims might have been captured deserters who were being punished. There currently isn’t any evidence to suggest that is the case.


Wilson Dizard, a journalist with Turkey’s public broadcasting station TRT, tweeted that mistreatment of Russian POWs is becoming a “dangerous trend” noting that it is in Ukraine’s interest to humanely treat POWs to encourage more Russians to surrender.


Carl Fridh Kleberg, a foreign correspondent with Sweden’s national public news, found the videos credible enough to warrant an investigation while shooting down claims that accents in the video reveal the assailants to be Russian and assertions that the blood is unrealistic:

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:23 a.m. No.15956901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926 >>7006

Zelensky suggests that his Western allies lack courage


Ukraine's president says NATO members won’t send him warplanes because they don’t have 1% of the bravery shown by Mariupol defenders


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has scolded NATO members for declining to send him warplanes with which to help fight off Russia’s military, essentially saying his Western allies lack courage as they try to avoid provoking a wider war with Moscow.


Speaking by video address early on Sunday from Kiev, Zelensky chided his allies for a “ping-pong about who and how should hand over jets and other defensive weapons,” adding, “Ukraine can’t shoot down Russian missiles with shotguns, machine guns, of which there are too many in the supplies.” For instance, he said, to break the Russian siege of Mariupol, Ukraine needs tanks, other armored vehicles, and especially warplanes.


Zelensky made his comments after US President Joe Biden gave a scathing speech in Warsaw on Saturday night declaring that Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine “will never be a victory” and Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.” However, when Ukrainian representatives had met with Biden and other US officials earlier that day, they hadn’t been offered any assurances that their nation would receive the weapons Zelensky has consistently demanded.


The Ukrainian commander-in-chief contrasted the “heroism” of Mariupol’s defenders with the reluctance of Western allies to provide military aid that might trigger a direct conflict between NATO nations and Russia. “Their determination, heroism, and firmness are astonishing,” Zelensky said of the Mariupol fighters. “If only those who have been thinking for 31 days about how to hand over dozens of jets and tanks had 1% of their courage.”


Zelensky has been campaigning for the US and other NATO members to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, preventing Russia from taking advantage of its superior air power. Putin has warned that any such move, which would require Western air forces to police the zone, would be viewed by Moscow as participation in military conflict with Russia. The Biden administration has rejected the idea of a no-fly zone and said that providing fighter jets to Ukraine would pose a “high risk” of escalating the war.


Beyond the implications of a direct NATO military confrontation with Russia, there are other challenges to providing Zelensky with the weapons he wants. UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace pointed out on Saturday that Ukraine’s military isn’t set up to use the most advanced Western weapons.


“One of the biggest challenges is that the more you go up in sophistication of weapons systems, the more training you require to use them, which is why the real focus of effort has to be on helping the Ukrainians either refurbish or locate Russian or Soviet equipment that is already in their inventory,” Wallace told the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper. “Just providing British tanks wouldn’t really work.”

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.15956913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6918 >>6955 >>6985 >>6987 >>6994 >>7015

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench


Andi Mudryk


California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday appointed an openly transgender judge to the bench.


“Governor Gavin Newsom today announced eight judicial appointments, including Andi Mudryk – the first openly transgender individual appointed to the bench in California – who will serve as a Judge on the Sacramento County Superior Court.” – the governor’s office announced on Friday.


“I’m humbled, honored and I’m thrilled,” Mudryk told The Times. “I’m grateful to Gov. Newsom for creating a vision of California for all.”



A disability rights advocate will become the second openly transgender person to serve as a California judge after being appointed Friday by Gov. Gavin Newsom.


Andi Mudryk, 58, chief deputy director at the Department of Rehabilitation, will serve on the Sacramento County Superior Court.


“Andi Mudryk is a great appointment and will be a wonderful judge,” Kolakowski tweeted. “I’m glad to finally have a trans colleague on the bench in California.”


Mudryk has the distinction of being the first transgender person appointed to the California bench.


Mudryk, who has brittle bone disease, previously served as chief counsel at the Department of Rehabilitation and held various positions at several disability legal rights organizations.

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:27 a.m. No.15956922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6955 >>6987 >>7015

A Swarm Of 12,000 Earthquakes Rattles Azores Island, Sparks Speculation Of Volcanic Eruption


Residents on a Portuguese volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean are evacuating as thousands of earthquake swarms have been detected and could indicate eruptive activity in the future.


In the Azores, some residents on Sao Jorge have packed up their bags and left the tiny island as fears of a potentially more significant disaster is lurking ahead following more than 12,000 tremors recorded since last Saturday, according to Daily Express.


Earthquake swarms "are likely caused by a magmatic intrusion at 10-15 km depth and could indicate renewed eruptive activity in the future," VolcanoDiscovery said. Around 200 of the quakes have registered a magnitude of up to 3.3.


On Wednesday, the Azores Seismovolcanic Information and Surveillance Center (CIVISA) increased the volcanic alert to Level 4, signifying a "real possibility" the volcano could erupt for the first time since 1808.


Seismologist Joao Fontiela told Lusa news agency that "Sao Jorge has few earthquakes" every year, but "we're now talking about thousands." He's setting up seismic monitoring stations around the island to monitor the developments.


CIVISA said there was "no evidence that a volcanic eruption was imminent." But the agency said an eruption shouldn't be overlooked. It pointed out the earthquake swarms are abnormal.


Readers may recall we reported hundreds of earthquake swarms right before a massive eruption on the volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands of Spain last fall.

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:29 a.m. No.15956930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6941 >>6954 >>6974 >>6992

Bill Gates Says Rich Nations “Should Move to 100% Synthetic Beef” In Order to Fight Climate Change – “You Can Get Used to The Taste Difference”


The Globalist Cabal of elites wants you… to eat fake meat. And they are setting the table for dinner as we speak.


In a recent interview discussing his recent book – “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster“ – billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is currently the world’s fourth wealthiest individual, advocated for “rich countries” to fully switch to, what he calls, a “100% synthetic beef” diet that would consist entirely of lab-grown protein.


The move, Gates explained, would supposedly aid in the fight against “climate change” by curbing greenhouse gasses that are produced when raising livestock…


…Which is perfectly in line with the ol’ AOC argument of farting cows destroying the environment.


This elitest insanity of trying to reconfigure the entire human diet – that has been in place since humans discovered fire – with fake lab-grown substitutes is an ambitious and unprecedented one, to say the least. One of the main hold-ups of mass adoption has been getting the taste and texture of the fake substitutes close enough to the real thing where the difference is not noticeable, but this endeavor has failed miserably, leading to a massive drop-off in public acceptance after a brief upswing last year.


Gates also addressed this issue during the interview, laughably claiming that it’s possible to get used to the weird unnatural taste of synthetic beef, and, if you don’t, the scientists will make it taste better in the future.


From Gates’ interview with Technology Review, via The Hill:


“I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef,” Gates said when asked about how countries can help to reduce methane emissions when it comes to food production. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time.


The philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder told the outlet he is hopeful that a turn to plant-based proteins will help combat methane emissions produced by livestock.”


“Impossible and Beyond have a road map, a quality road map and a cost road map, that makes them totally competitive,” Gates said, referring to popular plant-based meat companies. “As for scale today, they don’t represent 1% of the meat in the world, but they’re on their way.”


Gates told Technology Review that he acknowledges the alternative argument that getting rid of cows is viewed as an unpopular approach, but he said that the benefits of plant protein are worth a shift for some countries.


“Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand,” Gates said. “So for meat in the middle-income-and-above countries, I do think it’s possible.”


Instead of eating meat, some of the world’s richest megalomaniacs are laying the groundwork for the masses, who they view as the serfs serving their whims, to consume a diet strictly made up of nutrient-depleted vegan lab-grown foods. When they mention “the new normal,” they are conditioning people to accept their future where they will “own nothing and be happy,” live in their pods, and live their new lives as insect-eaters, while the elites enjoy the spoils that are deemed too dangerous to the environment.


The only question is, will we stand like our forefathers and take back our freedom from the Globalist cabal before the crickets hit the table.


Time to go eat a steak.

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:34 a.m. No.15956958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6982

Her Majesty's Harassment: How sexual assaults by UK soldiers around the world go unpunished for years


RT reviews data on sex crimes by Britain's servicemen in former colonies and combat areas


The RT investigative unit The Detail has reviewed disturbing data on sexual assault allegations levelled at UK and US soldiers stationed abroad, identifying in excess of 1,100 such reports having been filed between 2015 and 2020 alone.


Statistics gathered from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) Sexual Offences in the Service Justice System reports show 324 reports of both live and historical sex crimes that were made overseas during this period, related to incidents involving troops stationed in Germany (128), Cyprus (36), the Falklands (18), Canada (14), Gibraltar (7), Belgium (1) and Yemen (1).


Over 100 reports were categorized as relating to “incidents that have occurred in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the USA and at sea.”


For the same timeframe, data collected from annual reports by the Pentagon’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) indicate over 820 reports of sexual offences were reported to the military.


Reports were received in 17 separate “combat areas,” including Afghanistan (131), Iraq (77), Qatar (88), Turkey (61), Bahrain (78), and Kuwait (87).


The totals for both militaries include allegations from civilians, fellow service members, and foreign military representatives.

Trouble brewing


Despite such staggering figures, the clearly endemic problem is almost never acknowledged in the Western media. This apparent code of silence was notably broken though in October 2021, when The Times of London reported on the case of murdered Kenyan Agnes Wanjiru.


The 21 year-old’s decomposing body was discovered inside a hotel septic tank close to army training grounds in the town of Nanyuki in March 2012. A mother-of-one, she was last seen alive at the hotel in the company of two British soldiers.


Despite a Kenyan coroner’s court ruling in 2019 alleging the sex worker had been battered and stabbed by “one or two British soldiers,” it took both the local authorities and the UK armed forces two more years to fully commit to investigating her brutal death.


In a statement, Tessa Gregory, who represents the Wanjiru family, told The Detail: “They are appalled that the MoD has since 2012 failed to investigate her murder and do not understand why this has been brushed under the carpet for nearly a decade."

Anonymous ID: de52ff March 27, 2022, 10:35 a.m. No.15956964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6970 >>6987 >>7000 >>7015

Denver BLM Protesters Awarded $14 Million in Damages By Federal Jury Over Injuries During Violent Riots


A federal jury has awarded $14 million in compensatory and punitive damages to 12 Black Lives Matter protesters who were injured by police during a riot over the death of George Floyd in 2020.


The jury decided that the protesters constitutional rights were violated by the Denver Police over their use of less-lethal weapons to try and break up the riot.


“The violence and destruction that occurred around the community required intervention,” one of Denver’s lawyers, Lindsay Jordan, told the jurors.


The activists sued the City and County of Denver and former police officer Jonathan Christian.


Christian was accused of shooting current state legislative candidate Elisabeth Epps with a pepper ball.


“The jurors found Christian violated Epps’ Fourth Amendment rights and awarded her $250,000 in punitive damages. They denied her First Amendment claims against him,” the Denver Gazette reports. “At trial the two sides disputed whether the pepper ball fired by Christian actually hit Epps. She said after the verdict came down it had felt ‘disorienting’ for the city to challenge her account of what she experienced.”


Attorneys for the protesters claimed their clients never assaulted officers or destroyed property.


The payouts are as follows:


Claire Sannier: $1 million

Stanford Smith: $1 million

Zachary Packard: $3 million

Sara Fitouri: $1 million

Maya Rothlein: $1 million

Amanda Blasingame: $1 million

Joe Deras: $1 million

Elle Taylor: $1 million

Ashlee Wedgeworth, $750,00

Jackie Parkins: $1 million

Elisabeth Epps: 1 million in compensatory damages, $250,000 in punitive damages

Hollis Lyman: $1 million


NBC News reports, “in Austin, Texas, officials have agreed to pay over $13 million to people injured in protests in May 2020, and 19 officers have been indicted for their actions against protesters. Last month, two police officers in Dallas accused of injuring protesters after firing less lethal munitions were charged.”