03/27/2022 Science of Stardom: Deconstructing Michael Jackson's Red Shoes https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/03/27/science-of-stardom-deconstructing-michael-jacksons-red-shoes/
I decode a bunch of stuff each week, often Q related. This week I go thru Covfefe, Red Shoes, a bunch of stuff having to do with celebrities, Nasa, and other stuff.
Since Covfefe is probably the one people here would be most interested in I'll go thru it here.
For “covfefe” we need the contextual clues of the news events around that time.
Note the timeframe involved Kathy Griffin’s severed head scandal. Something that CNN canned her for, and for the first time in years Trump got sympathy rather than hate. This was a huge loss for the MSM as it diffused their constant Nazi pushing narrative.
Let’s reconcile that with coffee symbolism.
I go over Coffee comms in a number of posts. Coffee = filtered and hot news.
Basically CNN/MSNBC/etc reporting daily news = daily coffee.
Covfefe meanwhile is a “error” as reported of “Coffee” mixed with “Negative Press Coverage” meaning the message is a joke about how they spilled “Coffee” on themselves as they tried to serve it to him.
By tweeting out 6 WORDS “despite the constant negative press Covfefe” he is joking that the cult is doing a number on him, because they weren’t. They just got got a big pie in their faces, the press at that moment in time WAS NOT NEGATIVE, for the first time in YEARS of course he would send comms about it to stick it to them.
Note that he deleted the tweet, as in symbolism of “taking back what they said” thus confirming that they were in the wrong,
05/31/2017 CNN Fires Kathy Griffin APOLOGIZES after severed head photo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/wp/2017/05/30/kathy-griffin-apologizes-for-severed-donald-trump-head-photo-after-backlash/
Note Trump's commentary about it -
What is the true meaning of Kathy Griffin severing POTUS head? YOU CANT SPIN IT, you can’t do anything except look at it and be revulsed as even the most hateful brainwashed viewer would be. So Trump asks the MSM in jest, what is the deeper meaning of this?
It’s the same kind of thing you’d say in regards to seeing something incredibly dumb.