You're the man, Bake-Show!
Have fun in the pen, pedo-piggy.
Minimum of 10 years? I'll give him a minimum of 10 weeks.
Brandon, is a mess. The fact our entire nation isn't demanding his impeachment, is an even bigger mess.
You have to get them to watch, "Symbols Of An Alien Sky", by the Thunderbolts Project (On Youtube), to get them to understand…
The "have to see".
I remember being like, "What the fuq is this ghey shit?", regarding this video, when it was posted, years ago… Watched it one time out of boredom. MIND-BLOWN. I think their theory is simple and elegant. Occam's razor says they nailed it.
That quote… ""The moral degeneracy of the LGBTQ4GF150+++"… Made me think for a moment… That the "+++" Q spoke of, was referring to this hoarde of pedo-infested fags.
I know, I know, it's the big names and such… but still. Makes you wonder.
Could be some truth to this… Mixed signals from Putin. But how does he explain all the Jewish Nazis in AZOV Battalion?
From 2014:
It seems these kikes lure in well-meaning guys like this Swedish fellow, that only wants to protect his people, and tries to get them killed or degenerate them.
Yeah, I suppose so… I don't give a fuck what someone believes or does, so long as it's not hurting or perverting others. Hell, they can even hurt themselves for all I care.
I think we just came up with a new ideology friend…
"The Swastika on my arm is NOT a Nazis symbol… Trust me, my grandmother was turned into a lamp-shade."
Yeah, this is some total Jew-shit… Reminds me of the Rabbi who spray-painted Swastikas on his own garage door, then got narc'd out by his own wife. Kek