We are YUGE
National Indigenous Gentlemen's Genome Association.Worldwide Unified Tribe ™
exists to achieve:
(a) the perpetual protection of every individual's current RNA/DNA/genomic
makeup in their current body OR any future vessel. (b) that those who exist in unmodified form (pre mRNA/DNA vaccine 'products') be recognized as a "Nation of People" dispersed amongst all lands. A TRIBE. (c) that the United Nations,
the United States, the Vatican, and the Bank for International Settlements recognize NIGGA.WUT ™ as a SOVEREIGN ENTITY with multitudes of emissaries worldwide, holding "Diplomatic Status". (d) that NIGGA.WUT has/is a Council of Anons through which ALL diplomatic engagements must be vetted and approved, in real time, freely visible to all NIGGAs.