couldn't your ID: c55377 be substituted & rearranged as 335577? or 357357 or 357753?
couldn't your ID: c55377 be substituted & rearranged as 335577? or 357357 or 357753?
sharp eye & good question.
The seven liberal arts were composed of two groups: the trivium, or lower studies—grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic —and the quadrivium, or higher studies—arithmetic,geometry,astronomy, and music. These groups were vestiges of the system of knowledge that had developed during the classical period.
Freemasons extol the virtue of studying geometry. Since they are understood to have descended from the Knights Templar, which in turn implies a connection through the Temple and Exodus into the high antiquity of Ancient Egypt, anon suspects that Freemason tradition encodes an occulted (hidden) physics from a most ancient source.
Suspect the underlying nature of physical reality is geometric, but cannot prove this.
possible. was using as an example to illustrate why Freemasons place such an emphasis on geometry:
always open to other interpretations