Was my first thought as well as soon as I saw the news. They got away with it once, they would certainly try it again.
Arkancide disguised as a drug overdose?
They are until anyone in gov't grows a pair of balls. Immunity in this case is the lack of consequences.
>>15961854 (lb)
Oh the humanity. Oh the feelz. We must stop this with a hashtag. Why doesn't the UN do something?
Dubs chek't. Chieftan is correct in his assessment. The morans that fired that NLAW paid with their lives.
Chek't and kek'd
Good morning Swordy
Their cells should have a dozen phones constantly ringing with car warranty calls.
Infinity trips confirm that bitch slaps are the way forward. A contingent of large and physically imposing chads should be assembled and charged with bitch-slapping the taste out of anyone's mouth who says anything fake or poz'd or just generally stupid.
Looks like a pretty secure place to smoke a joint over lunch break. The exhaust vent allows the smoke to go up and not linger.