Roman Catholicism has taken true Christianity and merged it with ancient Babylonian occult practices to create a form of false Christianity that claims to follow biblical teaching, but distorts it and manipulates it by creating a false leadership in the papacy that they give as much or more authority to as the bible or even Jesus. They worship a female diety (Mary), confess their sins to a human priest for forgiveness, believe in praying for the dead, embrace rituals and tradition over biblical teaching, and a bunch of other practices that have no biblical foundation. I believe there are Catholics who are true believers in Jesus, but the rest of their religion is an anchor and distraction at best, and heresy and blasphemy at worst. Most Catholics are good people, but don't have the foundation to understand the methods in which they have been deceived. It is the classic 80% truth, 20% deception that has been employed by the enemy for centuries, that allows for a gradual but effective manipulation. On a final note, go to any Catholic church and look at their cross. Jesus is always still hanging on it, symbolizing his death, but secretly suggesting he never left the cross, never rose from the dead. Now go to pretty much any other church of another Christian denomination, the cross is empty. The empty cross is symbolic of the resurrected messiah, and the true power of God to save.