should be stuff in the thread, but apparently clockfags don't use it much, not sure:
>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange
otherwise a few clockanons tried to explain it (or at least provide graphics that could help) in threads 98/99 yesterday, it's scattered but eh:
>>1589187 <<br.1998 Qlockstuff
>>1589859 <<br.1999 Qlockstuff
>>1585865 << Qlockstuff
personally i'm undecided on the whole thing...
some connections seem pretty solid, some less so, oftentimes numbers "connect", but not seeing what it really means or says or adds to the whole picture.
seeing it as a calling for certain anons, not me, stopped trying to follow anons down unclear paths... certainly won't stop anyone from doing it, but still not liking anons pushing other anons to play when it's still all so unclear (or just not their thing).
>Even though time after time people ask, nobody provides instructions on how to use it.
that's the weird part of it. but i had some pretty decent responses yesterday, linked thereโฆ
don't they want to post their best explanation in the clockthread so they don't have to do it over again every time?
it's tricky, cause i do think there is a base for the clock system, but many anons throw shit in/take it too far/misdirect to confuse/fuckthingsup.
that and, actual results and conclusions are rather unclear, to say the least
>Did not intend to open a can of worms on this subject.
oh it's not you, there's a whole wide open buffet of opened canned worms, been sitting there ever since this game showed up.
>>1597021 RISK
>I thought the concern fags would have jumped ship by now.
if they were real they would just be gone, not posting "guys i'm leaving this time, for real, ok, don't ask me to stay but ask me to stay, pliz"
both NK
ahthanks, we can see the carpet in that one indeed
>That is it. That is literally all we do here.
and we could do so much more.
like, digging what's in the crumbs.
lots left untouched (signatures?)
no need for the clock system.