Yes we are Q-less at the moment (and prolly for 10 days, like previously), I just don't think this is the "Darnkess" that Q speaks of. I think he speaketh of a bigger darkness that coincidentally also lasts 10 days. Time will tell.
I think everyone gets the "one minute correlates to one day, those days circle the clock, and look at all the days that line up at the same spot (:55), and then research Qdrops on all the dates that line up at the :55 spot to see how they relate to todays POTUS tweets/news releases" -part.
I believe the thing that is throwing everyone off is the current Orange Triangle that is not part of this particular scenario.
Anon should either use a blank clock, or upgrade his blank clock with a new triangle aptly located to reflect the actual dates on the circle he/she is talking about. The dates within the current orange triangle are misleading/distracting as they focus the eyes there, instead of on the dates ANON is talking about.
*Look for today's date on the clock (today happens to be at the :55 point. Tomorrow will be at the :56 point)
*Look at all the dates that align with today's date.
*Go back and reread Qdrops on all the dates that align with todays date
*Search news headlines/stories/POTUS and other Tweets, for words/stories that align with Qdrops. Make a connection between old Qdrops on certain days and TODAYs words/stories in the (various forms of ) media.
Future Proves Past.
Today's tweets/headlines will show to correspond to old Qdrops on certain days(that align on the clock).
Use this blank clock as your guide.
Hopefully this helps.
Choose another door. You are lost.