Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:23 p.m. No.15965704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706




>Pro-groomer Governor.

>Why are they like this?

The post got buried the other day by image fail. They are like this because they're pedos, it's their ideology


Think Cruz may have dropped a hint while questioning the pedo judge.

He mentioned "the Crits". The Critical Legal Theory Professors. Marxists.

So Ketanji goes easy on child porn and won't define the word 'woman'

Summed up by this PB notable in the mega bun.


>>15924716, >>15924734, >>15924753 She's a marxist ideologue. Gender Ideology is the sibling of Critical Race Theory.

Investigating this a bit further and found this informative blog post on what we are dealing with.




Leftism, Pedophilia, and Sexual Revolution | “Sexuality in the Culture War: For the Socialist Restructuring of Humans”


  1. Sexual Marxism


In ‘Sexuality in the Culture War,’ Wilhelm Reich derided the “sex-negative moralism” of the Western world, relative to the “sexually liberated” Soviets. He attacked monogamy, marriage, the illegality of abortion and divorce, the very existence of the family, and European opposition to “infant sexuality” (pedophilia). He described Western values as “bourgeois” and “authoritarian” forms of “oppression.” Reich was an ardent Leftist who, essentially, believed that non-Leftist beliefs stemmed from “repressed sexuality,” such as “childhood abstinence,” which he decried as “pathological.” He was a member of three countries’ Communist parties: Austria, Denmark, and Germany — although, he was ejected from the German Communist Party for flying too close to pedophilia advocacy.


Reich was an important ideological forebear in the genealogy of Sexual Marxism (or ‘Freudo-Marxism’), which plagues the West to this day. His work was continued by Western Marxists, such as Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno of the infamous Marxist think tank, ‘The Frankfurt School for Social Research’ — a deceptively nondescript moniker.


Adorno’s work ‘The Authoritarian Personality’ (1950), originally titled ‘The Fascist Character and the Measurement of Fascist Trends,’combines Marxist and Freudian psychoanalysis= to identify the root causes of the so-called “Authoritarian Personality” — by which he means anyone who is patriotic, pro-family, anti-egalitarian, anti-democratic, or anti-Marxist. Adorno argued that the Authoritarian Personality was inherently right-wing and inherently insane, stemming from excessive spanking during childhood, repressed homosexuality, and the fear of being castrated by one’s own father. This pathologization of normal, non-indoctrinated, non-oversocialized human behavior would become a defining characteristic of the Postwar ‘New Left’, which is dominated by the ideas of the Frankfurt School and their associates.


In 1955, Marcuse’s ‘Eros and Civilization’ essentially argued that Western civilization was evil because it was “sexually repressive.” The work was seen as a direct successor to the theories pioneered by Wilhelm Reich and was hugely influential upon 1960s subculture and the gay liberation movement, bringing Marcuse international fame. The Marxist writer Paul Mattick credited Marcuse with renewing “the endeavor to read Marx into Freud,” while the Leftist academic Herbert “Fingarette” (Borenstein) credited Marcuse as being the first man to develop a systemic philosophical concept of a utopian society free from “sexual repression.”

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:24 p.m. No.15965706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5712 >>6300


3. Leftism and Pedophilia


Reich, along with Sigmund Freud (his tutor) and Alfred Kinsey (father of the American Sexual Revolution), provided the so-called “scientific” basis for pro-pedophilia ideology, inspiring pedophile movements around the world, including NAMBLA. Some of Reich’s own students founded a pro-pedophilia organization named the ‘Childhood Sensuality Circle.’ The primary pro-pedophilia argument drawn from the works of Reich et al. is that sincechildren are “sexually aware” beings, they should therefore be awarded all of the “sexual freedoms” that are enjoyed by adults — such as “consensual” sexual intercourse.


In 1950, Reich founded an organization called the ‘Orgonomic Infant Research Center’ (OIRC), designed to cure children’s “muscular armouring” (a disorder that he fabricated). Children were stood naked in Reich’s basement in front of a crowd of “therapists,” while Reich described the children’s “blockages.” The children were then given “vegetotherapy,” during which they were aggressively massaged. Many of these children reported that they were injured by “vegetotherapy” and many later declared that they were molested by the so-called “therapists” — but, apparently, not by Reich himself.


A similar situation arose in Germany when the sexologist and psychologist Helmut Kentler “experimented” on “pedosexuality” by placing children in the care of pedophiles that he knew. Long story short, Kentler disguised a pedophile network as “scientific” research.


Alfred Kinsey, one of the most influential sexual revolutionaries in the West, was also involved in a suspicious pedophilia-related event. His ‘Kinsey Reports’ featured interviews with 9 pedophiles for the stated purpose of “discovering the children’s reactions” to being molested. The Kinsey Institute later claimed that the data came from the journal of one pedophile and that the events predated the Kinsey Reports. This singular, mystery pedophile has never been named, arrested, jailed, etc.


John Money, the sexologist who invented the concept of “gender”in 1955, is best known for his transgenderism experiment, in which he surgically removed the genitalia of 22-month-old David Reimer, placing him on hormone therapy and forcing him to live as a girl. During fully-naked “genital examinations,” Money forced David and his twin brother Brian to rehearse sexual acts, while he photographed them. Money justified this by claiming that “childhood ‘sexual rehearsal play’” was important for a “healthy adult gender identity.” He also argued that pedophilia was “not pathological in any way,” as long as the “relationship” was mutually “loving.” David developed severe depression, and Brian developed schizophrenia. Both committed suicide as adults. Money is celebrated in the scientific community to this day, and his theories are used by governing bodies around the world, including the United Nations’ World Health Organization.


Finally, Freud, of course, is most renowned for his theory of the ‘Oedipus complex,’ which posits that all children desire pedophilic incest with their parents. Ironically, Wilhelm Reich sexually fetishized his own mother — his personal life was just as sick and disturbed as his political ideology (for more information, read the Early Life section of his Wikipedia page).


  1. Conclusion


To put it bluntly:There is a direct path from Sexual Marxism (i.e., Sexual Revolution) to pedophilia legalization — and Leftists are all-too-desperate to drag us down it. With the modern Left increasingly debating the “sexual awareness” of children, it’s only a matter of time before they revive the push for pedophilia. The Left has been trying to legalize child rape for the last century. Judging by how rapidly the elites are cracking down on dissent, it will soon be completely illegal to oppose this agenda in most Western countries.

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:25 p.m. No.15965712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5720


While searching for a connection between the deviant transgender harvard fag and one of the Crits, wound up at this DoD archive discussing homos in the military, early 90s. the search hit found both John Money and the Crit in a large text file of numerous documents. Not relalted in this search but the John Money portion mentions one of the goals and may explain the homo freakout over the Don't Groom Our Kids Bill in Florida. The pedos "scientists" think there's a window

of oppurtunity to fagwash kids between the ages of 5 and 8.




As discussed in the previous section of this report, the "triune"

brain of the human includes the limbic structure. This structure is the

"old. mammalian" brain which represents 174 the "horse" in us. All of our

mammal cousins have a similar brain with similar functions, including

the control of our senses of smell and taste and our sexual activity.


In all mammals, including man, the limbic brain governs three activities

that are never found in reptiles: 1) childish, seemingly purposeless

play; 2) nurturingand grooming behavior;and 3) the isolation sounds an

animal makes when it is separated from its group. Aside from lust,

rage, and fear, all of which are generated in the reptilian brain, most

human emotions are derived from these three behaviors common to all

mammals and rooted in the mammalian brain: playing, caring, and pining.


'''The human animal has the distinction of being the only animal that

complicates the biological act of reproduction with the condition of

love.'' It turns the somewhat commonplace, necessary animal behavior of

sexual reproduction into magic and poetry. –According to Dr. John

Money– 175 , "If the people who wrote love songs were true to human

anatomy, they'd be writing songs not about the heart or even the eyes,

but about the hypothalamus." We know that the "feeling" of being in

love begins deep in the brainin the pea-sized hypothalamus. This dense

little cluster of nerves, weighing only a quarter of an ounce, controls

hundreds of bodily functions, including sexual activity. "My theory,"

says John Money, "is that the nerve pathways produce substances that

induce what people refer to as falling in love." According to Money,


the way to a man's heart, and to a woman's is through the hypothalamus.

Early in life, pleasurable stimuli such as contact with our parents

"trigger the release of opioids, " which in turn sedate the anxiety of

separation when mother or father walks out of the room. We become

addicted to these infusions of sedative and, in later life, search for

relationships that provide them 17 ^.


John Money 177 says that –each of us has in his or her head a

"lovemap"–== that's drawn sometime between the ages of five and eight and

is based on early experiences with parents, siblings, relatives, and the

outside environment.== This lovemap determines who attracts us

erotically. It's "a pattern in your brain that's going to tell you what

is the perfect love affair and who is the perfect person to fall in love

with. Although we don't know much about the process, it's likely that

the broad outlines of the lovemaps are sketched in our genes. We come

into the world wanting certain relationships. The outline may be as

broad as that. The details, blond hair, hairy or 'sensitive, ' remain to

be filled in.” Money suggests that the process can be compared to the

"imprinting" of newborn animals on their mothers. Soon after birth, a

young animal is genetically prepared to attach itself emotionally to —

"imprint" on — a mother figure. Usually, because she's there and taking

care of it, the newborn attaches to its real mother. But not

necessarily. If another animal, even a human being, is around at the

right time, the time when the newborn's genetic clgck tells it to

imprint, the newborn will attach itself to the other animal. In humans,

the time for attachment is more flexible than it is for most animals.

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:27 p.m. No.15965720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5742


>John Money 177 says that –each of us has in his or her head a "lovemap" that's drawn sometime between the ages of five and eightand is based on early experiences with parents, siblings, relatives, and the


outside environment.


The fact that humans have an inordinately long time of dependency during

childhood, an impressive opportunity exists to develop a profound and

lasting attachment to our parents. Often, this interminable childhood

encourages us to become obsessed with one of our parents. "'Mother' is

the first person to fulfill our needs and she is the first with whom we

'fall in love.' She protects us, cares for us, provides all the

satisfactions we crave. So as adults men tend to look around for the

perfect mother forever and find someone who resembles her — or


sometimes, if their experiences with her were bad, someone who is

reassuringly unlike her." In the same way,- women often search for men

who are like (or unlike) their father.


Given this background, what is the evidence for an environmental

explanation of homosexuality? ==Dr. John Money 178 claims that "Every one

of us has a homosexual side,== in the sense that ’we can be attracted by

both sexes.*" He attributes this element of bisexuality in all of us to

the fundamental bisexuality of the human fetus. Recall that for the

first few weeks after conception, the fetus is both male and female, and

Money believes that it continues to carry the legacy of that bisexuality

even after it begins to differentiate according to its chromosomal sex.

"No matter what we become," says Dr. Money, "male or female, we always

carry with us some hint of our early bisexual (both-sexed) nature.


Female genital organs contain vestiges of male structures, and vice

versa." This view is not universally accepted, however.

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:30 p.m. No.15965742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5753 >>6120



Paying a Visit to the Crits

CLS National Conference

By Jonathan S. Cohn, Special to The Crimson

October 6, 1988


WASHINGTONHere I ama formally dressed news reporter–surrounded by a group of people who look like a cross between Woodstock and Harvard Law School.


"Lose the tie and jacket–you'll fit in better," a student advises me.


A day later, I'm confronted by a grown man dressed in tattered jeans, red basketball shoes and an untucked "See Jane Swim" t-shirt, who says he's "in charge" of this conference.


This can't be the 11th annual Critical Legal Studies National Conference. I cannot believe the 400 or so people around me include professors who have for years bedeviled the Harvard Law School tenure process, people whomPresident Reagan called "a misplaced monster of prehistoric radicalism."


Despite their deceiving appearence, these blue jean-clad scholars are the root of a legal education movement which former Harvard Assistant Professor of Clare Dalton says has caused a "crisis of faith" at law schools nationwide.


Critical Legal Studies [CLS] charges that scholars cannot viewed the law objectively but must take into account the social and economic value judgements on which it is based.


But even the conference-goers admit there is no single way to describe all the CLS thought.


"I don't think there's any consensus about a goal among people who call themselves 'Crits,'" says Richard Drury, a Yale law student. "It's hard to talk about CLS as one voice."


"It's a critique of traditional legal thought and how law is made," says Pat DePace, a second-year American University law student. Traditional legal scholars "try to teach you it's like the Ten Commandments coming down from the mountain, and that it's always right. CLS people tell [you] politics of the time and the social climate have an effect on the decisions that are made. There's a lot more aspects to CLS."


"It's a very diffuse movement that consists more of themes than of precisely delineated views," says Jim G. Pope, assistant professor at Rutgers Law School. "Themes are that legal decision is a process of choice, including a value choice, and that those choices should be made in a way. That liberate people in various forms of oppression."


Although they may not agree on exactly what CLS is, Crits like Harvard Professor of Law Duncan Kennedywho casually smokes a cigar outside of the conferencesay they've put the establishment up against the wall.


"I think it's quite right for the right wing and the establishment to feel threatened, because changing the terms of the debate is bound somehow to influence legal education in a pervasive way," says Kennedy, a leading CLS scholar. "They see that changes in the terms of debate at this level are rare in the history of institutions so it's natural for them to be scared and angry."


And while CLS' incessant disputes with legal doctrine have yet to tip the scales of the bar or the practical legal establishment, Crits say they're already changing the way today's young lawyers think.


"CLS has called attention to deeply rooted value assumptions that underlie legal doctine," Pope says. The influence of CLS, he says, "will appear in the course catalog, under courses that feature 'competing visions of the law.' And we're seeing a lot of decisions with CLS slants, too, probably because clerks who had CLS in law school go on to work for judges and work on the decisions."

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:33 p.m. No.15965753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5768


Changing the way legal scholars think should not be an impossible task for the Crits, since many CLS scholars hold lifetime posts at top law schools.Harvard alone has three tenured card-carrying CritsProfessor of Law Gerald Frug, Warren Professor of Legal History Morton J. Horwitz, and Kennedyas well as several other left-leaning faculty members.


"Harvard is already a CLS stronghold," says Daniel Trubek, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin. "The presence of a prominent left at Harvard is a permanent presence. It's had an immense impact on Harvard. Harvard turns out a significant percentage of all law professors."


But Trubek himself found out that other voices have significant impacts on legal education at Harvard. In 1987, he and Dalton lost their bids for tenure at Harvard in controversial faculty votes and ensuing reviews by President Bok. CLS supporters have charged that in both instances the faculty discriminated against the left-wing scholars for their adherence to CLS, a charge which has taken the CLS debate from the classroom to the national news.


Right-wing and moderate Harvard Law School professors counter that argument, saying that Trubek and Dalton did meet the school's tenure standards. This spring, Bok, acting on the advice of a review committee of experts, upheld the faculty's decision to deny Dalton tenure.


"I think [Dalton] was a victim of the battle that was going on at Harvard," says conference-goer Drury. "It was more a matter of the rest of the faculty trying to keep the Crits from getting a stronghold. If Clare Dalton is any indication, it seems as though the faculty is pretty set against letting the Crits get any real stronghold there."


However, Trubek says left-wing thought will always be a part of legal education, even at Harvard.


"Short of a Draconian right-wing purge, which I don't imagine would happen there, CLS professors will continue to gain tenure at Harvard," Trubek predicts. "Somebody will, not this year, not in the immediate future, but CLS will continue to influence the Harvard faculty no matter what they do."


The Harvard decisions and ensuing claims of persecution increase the value of attending the convention for many CLS adherents. Critswho make up only a small percentage of most law facultiessay the conference makes them fell that they are not alone.


"I think [the turnout] shows that although there's a lot of academic repression at a lot of institutions, CLS is still a very strong movement," says American University Professor of Law James Boyle, the t-shirt-clad director of the convention.


"We are not isolated," Dalton says. "There are numbers of people who share our concerns about the law and the legal system."


As they gather in their unconventional workshops and meetingson everything from "CLS spirituality and nature" to "Sexuality, violence and male power"the Crits decide what new directions CLS should take. While students bat around ideas for activism at a picnic caucus, professorsdonning short sleeves and jeans like their pupilsdebate how CLS can begin to construct and not just criticize.


"The theme of this conference, I would say, is reaching out beyond the academic community and making CLS more real and useful in practice," Pope says.

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:35 p.m. No.15965768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5771


Critical Legal Studies is often attacked for presenting only a negative view of scholarship and viewed as an assault on other theories that provides no real alternative.


Turning the criticisms into positive action is a major theme of discussion at the conference. For an energetic Professor Peter Gabel, short-sleeve clad and with shoulder-length hair, taking CLS out of the classroom and onto the streets is the top priority for the next year.


"How can we as political lawyers continue to transform society and social relations, continue to practice work in that world and remain in touch with our central vision?" asks Gabel, who teaches at the New College of Law in San Francisco.


"We've developed the critique of law-we are an educational movement," Trubek says. "We also see there are limits to what can be done within this effort. The people who were most interested in the theoretical project and educational project are also very much in favor of practical applications."


Most student Crits say that activismsuch as holding protestsis a vital part of their participation in CLS. A belief that the legal system is corrupted by prejudices, they say, implies that they must do something to change it.


But, according to some would-be disciples, however, taking CLS off law campuses presents a paradox.


"CLS is so critical of the system there's no way to work within the system," says second-year student DePace. "CLS people may criticize public interest law because public interest law is trying to work within the system instead of changing the system. Maybe the only place to [practice CLS] is in a faculty at a law school."


Since CLS focuses on the law's alleged bias, adherents hope to reach out ot those whom they see as suffering from that prejudice. Entitled "Race, Class and Gender," this year's three-day conference attempts to interest minorities and women by including many workshops about feminism and discrimination.


"If you look at this conference, there are enormous numbers of persons who are not white males," Boyle says. "We've done very well. We invited [Harvard Professor of Law Derrick Bell, who is Black], and while he may not be a CLS adherent, he's nevertheless someone who appreciates CLS insight."


"In the last couple of years the CLS movement has gone through a positive transformation, largely through the addition of minority voices that weren't a part of the movement before," Drury says.


Yet while CLS professorswho are predominately whitesay they are fighting for more diversity at law schools, outsiders charge the movement itself is exclusive.


"It's a rethinking and an examination of how we view the legal structure of the country, through an absolutely leftist lens," says Debbie J. Israel, a second-year student at Rutgers Law School. "It's as exclusionary in its nature and hypocritical as the right wing and establishment it critiques."


Drury responds, "If you look at law school faculties in general, it's all white males. So almost any movement in law is going to be dominated by white males."


But while Crits strive to unite all of those they see as oppressed, some of the people they hope to attractincluding some minority student groupssay they don't want to jump on the CLS bandwagon.


"We did not want to seem as a group of fair-weather radicals," says Sung-Hee Suh, president of the Harvard Asian-American Law Students Association, at an activism workshop. "We felt strongly about excluding any ideological themes. Once the coalition becomes identified as only political or ideological, we're going to lost what support we have. I don't mean to offend anybody, but I don't want the coalition to be contaminated by the CLS stigma."


At the conference, the professors spend a great deal of time exposing novice students to their left-wing theories. Frug, nibbling from a Marriottcatered fruit spread, says that attracting new students is the most important part of the gathering.

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 2:36 p.m. No.15965771   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"There are a lot of new people in a lot of new things, but that happens at every convention," Frug says. "At every conference, half the people have never come before. The change and growth of [the CLS movement] is people bringing different interests."


And in passing references to different fields of academia, the professors and students say that CLS has sister movements in other areas of study.


"The same kind of thought is going on in all the academic fields," says Mern Horran, a third-year student at American University's Washington College of Law. "They've got CLS under different names in different areas. It's going on in all the disciplines." She cites deconstructionism in literature as one example.


Those who aren't yet convinced of the CLS dogma say they leave with a better understanding of the thinking, but more questions about its applications for practice.


"It's elevated my awareness," Israel says. "I don't know what happens after this. Does everybody go and look for law firms that are CLS-oriented?"

Anonymous ID: 1d4db4 March 28, 2022, 3:15 p.m. No.15965998   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Classic Fake News Headline.

You can hear the Davos fag in his own words say tracking under the skin.

He fucking says it all the time based on how many clips they had of him saying it. Fake News is such a joke