Yes, we all know how evil & violent those people wearing those red MAGA hats in Chicago can be. Jussie showed everyone.
She definitely needs 70 cops guarding her from those vile fiends.
Yes, we all know how evil & violent those people wearing those red MAGA hats in Chicago can be. Jussie showed everyone.
She definitely needs 70 cops guarding her from those vile fiends.
One Governor can only do so much.
It is up to parents to just stop sending their kids into the Den of Vipers called the Public Schools System. It's a Socialist System.
Parents have been finding alternative ways to educate their kids way before Government Public Schools were ever a thing.
Patriots should not be handing their kids over to the Government.
At least this Governor is doing something, but really the Socialist School System should just be defunded.
It is not the Government's job to feed, clothe, and educate people's children. It is the Government's job to make sure that parents are not prohibited from doing these things for their kids.
K-3 Learn to Read
4th grade & up Read to Learn
So this is a logical step in the right direction.
Did they send it registered mail?
Did you sign for it?
How do they know you got it, it may have gotten lost in the mail.
Yeah. We fell for that once.
What's that saying?
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
This guy is trying to get himself tarred & feathered, and run out on a splintery rail.
There is an advantage to not having a Driver's License.
They use that Driver's License over people's heads like a sword of Damocles.
There are a lot more sheep than there are sheep dogs.
But the sheep dogs nip the sheep to go in the right direction.