To this anon, it looks like the Rosemont gang were looking to make Metabiota a USDA-funded front company.
I think the USDA itself would just be a funder and a front for the C_A.
Matt Gaetz - you may want to seek any communications between Metabiota folks or Nathan Wolfe and USDA folks, as part of your hearings next year.
My suspicions so far:
… it looks to this anon like Metabiota was to be part of an initiative to weaponize animals as vectors for disease, in a more systematic way than they currently use them ("swine flu", "avian flu", etc).
…what better way to control populations than through disease? what better way to ensure a constant stream of $$ than through a rinse/repeat disease/cure cycle (bigpharma).
… Metabiota or other Rosemont companies (Counsyl?) would gather human DNA data and animal data (DNA, migratory, veterinary/health data) for use by others (DoD? Ft. Detrick, Fauci, C_A, Pfizer, PLA, etc.).
… looping Ukraine assets into the mix would focus on Russia, to get them to heel first.