The Isis Horus Set (or substitute the names Mary, Jesus, God as you already are) trinity is Kabballistic in origin and what you are spouting comes from Gnostic teaching and not the bible.
In Freemason Albert Pike's book book "Morals and Dogma" it says Kabbalist "Jews were the direct precursors of Gnosticism," their Kabbalist doctrine being derived from their long history of "intimate relations" while in Babylon. If you go to the index and look up "Trinity" you find this: "Trinities of the Kabbalists the origin of the Christian Trinity."
Father and Son are not a womb. Not in thought, not in action, not in deed. Your metaphor goes too far. What you are espousing is the precursor to feminist womb worship witch is Paganistic and pushed very hard in our society today