Even though theyre extremely annoying, it is fun to see how stupid the libatrd really are. They constantly double down on stupid.
I feel that this was the first big attack on the Trump Admin and the beginning of the War.
I felt the FL and TX hurricanes last year were deep state attacks on the Republic.
No good period
Stewart was prosecuted by Comey personally. Comey is a piece of shit.
People who are skeered of words like niggerare weak-minded as fuck . Niggers are the worst racists, which we all knew, but there's even a study proving that now.
Fascists like Hitler, Franco and Mussolini may rise again to get rid of degenerate muzzies.
No matter what the IG report says, the IG cant issue indictments. IG can make criminal referrals to DOJ, where all recent criminal referrals on political matters have disappeared in the black hole of the DOJ.
Question for Qtists.
When do we completely run out of patience with the lack of action by the DOJ against these known govt traitors and crooks?
Is this period 10 days of darkness?
Get rid of nasimfag too. Disgusting.
People that label me as a shill for asking a reasonable question are brain-dead sheep with no apparent useful function.
Youre a fucking sheep and it's trust muh govt types like you who have ruined our country. KYS sheep.
Trust muh govt sheeple morons like yourself have ruined our country and brought us to this current completely broken state of affairs. Shut up and go work on your GED.
Fucking moron.
THAT is a plan I can trust.
It doesnt matter how many "Trust Sessions" posts Q makes, Trust is always earned, not demanded.
Sessions is not really a problem imo. If Sessions isnt taking actions people want, that is down to Trump. Sessions works for Trump and can be fired for any or no reason.
My complaint is not about Sessions or any other person, but about lack of action.
I dont trust anybody or anything until I have concrete reasons to do so. Sessions hasnt done anything against the deep state to EARN trust. Trust must be earned, not demanded.
Why should anybody trust a person who is showing no effective actions? Actions build and confirm trust, not words.
Be sure to trust your govt, loser. Take some more student loans and become a true slave to govt.
Trump hasnt prosecuted any more demoncrat crooktards than Soetero did. That's a fact.
If Trump doesnt take serious action to purge the voting rolls before Nov, he could be looking at impeachment rather than prosecuting demoncrats. JFK delayed taking actions against the deep state too and look what happened. Trump's a human and he can be killed too.
As far as I'm concerned, I prefer demoncrat crooktard indictments and arrests to any further posting by Q. Words arent going to effect or solve these multitudinous crimes.
Agree. The numerous religious youtube "scholars" know NOTHING about the Church.
Nigger just means black. Like Blanco means white.
I havent seen anything happen, just words. Meanwhile, the deep state continues its constant attacks and innocent Americans are dying for nothing.
THAT is what is actually happening.
Maybe he doesnt want his kids around any ape children.
This Pope may be a kind of Obama.